The International Journal of Zoology and Research (IJZR) aims to maintain an effective but fair peer-review process that recognizes research quality as a combination of the relevance, approach and execution of a research study. Abundance, Species Diversity, and Distribution of Diurnal Mammals in Humbo Community-Based Forest Area, Southern Ethiopia. International Scientific Journal & Country Ranking. Finally, our results highlight that the turtle dove breeding season is later and shorter at breeding highlands, which might allow this bird to avoid the vigorous climate conditions at mountains and their effect on reproductive success. It follows quarterly issue release. Raise the profile of a research area by leading a Special Issue. Additionally, recent studies report correlations between target organism density/biomass and eDNA levels, although widespread application of this technique is limited by the number of studies examining this relationship in various species and settings. Italian Journal of Zoology (1996 - 2016) Bollettino di zoologia (1930 - 1995) Browse the list of issues and latest articles from The European Zoological Journal. About the journal Current Zoology (formerly Acta Zoologica Sinica, founded in 1935) is an open access, bimonthly, peer-reviewed international journal of zoology. International Journal of Pure and Applied Zoology. View. Zoology is a journal devoted to experimental and comparative animal science.It presents a common forum for all scientists who take an explicitly organism oriented and integrative approach to the study of animal form, function, development and evolution. Significant correlations were observed with increasing biomass for both methods, although this relationship was stronger for samples processed by the multiple filter method. Editor in Chief; Dr. Mathews Plamoottil (Ph.D.) Head of the Department Zoology Department of Zoology, Baby John Memorial Govt. Review Speed. Ever since its first issue Pakistan Journal of Zoology has been published uninterrupted for the last 35 years. 2016; 1(7):09-13. Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies is an official publication of the Society of Agricultural Research and Social Development (Registration no. The International Journal of Pure and Applied Zoology (IJPAZ) is a peer-reviewed, open-access journal. In 1985 the biennial Journal was upgraded to quarterly publication. Therefore, the essential oil combination (E75% : C25%) of the plants E. camaldulensis and C. rigidus is recommended in order to promote the its use in the form of natural biocide in the implementation of effective insect controls against the mosquito larvae, vector of malaria. journal of zoology studies only one of the best zoology journal that publishes research article, review article, book review. Plasma cortisol and whole blood glucose level determinations were replicated three times for O. niloticus reared under both low stocking densities (LSD) and HSD. JOBAZ is affiliated with the Egyptian Society for Biosciences Advancement and published by Springer Nature. In the present century, there is a tremendous growth in each field of Zoology. Scope of the journal includes: Animal behaviour, biochemistry and physiology, developmental biology, ecology, genetics, morphology and ultrastructure, parasitology and pathology, and systematics and evolution. In 1985 the biennial Journal was upgraded to quarterly publication. The International Journal of Zoology is a peer-reviewed open access scientific journal covering all areas of zoology.It was established in 2009. Publishing with this journal. The study in each vegetation type was surveyed using the transect method. The results of Poisson regression analysis showed that factors such as the presence of green filamentous algae, vegetation cover, and debris were found to be positively significant in the distribution of the genus Culex. How to publish in this journal. Society of Entomology and Zoology Research S/3338/SDM/NW/2018. Studies dealing with geographically and/or taxonomically … IJZAB aims to publish the original and quality research, and review articles in the latest fields of Zoology, and Applied Biosciences. SJR SNIP H-Index Citescore. He is now the President of International Society of Zoological Sciences (ISZS), and Editor-in-Chief of Integrative Zoology. Migration dates, breeding phenology, and breeding success were recorded from March to October for each season. Plasma cortisol levels (ng/ml) were assayed by Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA). We are committed to sharing findings related to COVID-19 as quickly as possible. International Journal of Zoology Studies. ISSN: 2630-5100(Online) Homepage. The International Journal of Pure and Applied Zoology (IJPAZ) is an international open access online and printed version journal. We consider relating to the structure, embryology, and classification of fauna, as well as historical perspectives bearing upon the contemporary science. International Journal of Zoology maintains an Editorial Board of practicing researchers from around the world, to ensure manuscripts are handled by editors who are … Migratory Dates, Breeding Phenology, and Reproductive Success of European Turtle Doves between Lowlands and Highest Breeding Habitats in North Africa. Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies is a Peer Reviewed International Open Access Journal which is abstracted in various reputed databases. The objective of this study was to analyze the influence of biotic and abiotic factors on the increase of the most common mosquito species in the Fez region (Central Morocco). ZOOLOGY is devoted to publishing original research in experimental and comparative animal science (see aims and scope of the journal). International Journal of Research Studies in Zoology (IJRSZ) is an open acess, internationally peer reviewed journal that publish the information on the following topics like Zoography, Comparative anatomy, Animal physiology, Behavioral ecology, Ethology studies animal behaviour Invertebrate zoology, Vertebrate zoology, Soil zoology, Comparative zoology. Review articles are excluded from this waiver policy. Sign up here as a reviewer to help fast-track new submissions. People also search for: Annual Review of Animal Biosciences, Mammal Review, Advances in the Study of Behavior, Journal of Animal Ecology, Agricultural Systems, more. Larvae mosquitoes were sampled by standard dipping technique in four different types of macrohabitats, between November 2015 and November 2016. Publishing with this journal. AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ZOOLOGY, 23 - 2012 [Paperback] [Jan 01, 2012] AA.VV. On this page. Among the various combinations of the extracts and essential oils, only the combination E75% : C25% of essential oils presented a synergistic effect. Join the conversation about this journal The Journal of Zoology publishes high-quality research papers that are original and are of broad interest. Ever since its first issue Pakistan Journal of Zoology has been published uninterrupted for the last 35 years. The International Journal of Zoology Research is a peer-reviewed, open access journal that publishes original research articles, review articles, and essays within the broad scope of animal biology. The first issue of the Journal was published in June, 1969. Since then it was published regularly, twice a year. Researchers from all branches of zoology including physiology, cell and molecular biology, genetics, biochemistry, biotechnology, bioinformatics, microbiology, immunology, parasitology, endocrinology, neurobiology, enzymology, toxicology, environmental biology, developmental biology, marine and aquatic biology, … Since then it was published regularly, twice a year. The International Journal of Zoology is a peer-reviewed open access scientific journal covering all areas of zoology. International Journal of Zoological Investigations (IJZI) is a peer reviewed six monthly open access journal that publishes original research papers as well as review articles in all areas of zoology It publishes review articles and research papers in the fields of ecology, evolution and behaviour. These data should be useful in eDNA studies in which turbidity necessitates the use of multiple filters per sample as well as in the use of eDNA to estimate darter populations. International Journal of Zoological Research publishes original research papers, reviews and short communications within the whole field of zoology. International Journal of Zoology 1687-8477 (Print) / 1687-8485 (Online) DOAJ Seal Website About; Articles; About. We collected a total of 772 mosquito larvae belonging to nine different species, five of which are considered of medical interest. The findings have also estimated that biotic and abiotic factors can lead to significant variation in the abundance of Culex perexiguus (Theobald, 1903), Culex theileri (Theobald, 1903), and Culex pipiens (Linnaeus, 1758). Sign up today and submit your research papers online. Integrative Zoology’s 2019 Impact Factor is 2.514 ! Though the forest is the living place for various wild mammalian species, the conservation measures of the local community should also consider those species in line with the efforts that have been done on forest management practices. Zoology is the aspect of science that deals with the study of the animals' evolution, habitat and behavior. The Journal focuses on innovations of research methods at all … The International Journal of Pure and Applied Zoology (IJPAZ) is a peer-reviewed, open-access journal. : spedizione gratuita per i clienti … The study area was stratified into three major habitats based on the vegetation cover of the area, such as riverine forest, bushland, and open grassland. International Journal of Zoology and Applied Biosciences (IJZAB) is an international, open access, impact factor, and double-blind peer-reviewed online (ISSN: 2455-9571) journal. Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies have strong editorial board with national and international reviewers in its team. IZAB serves as an important medium for Zoologists and Wildlife biologists to present research findings and discuss challenging issues in the broad field of structure, embryology, classification, habits, endocrinology, evolutionary biology, genomics, morphology, physiology, behavior and distribution of … IJZAB aims to publish the original and quality research and review articles in the latest fields of Zoology … The journal has five sections: International Journal of Entomology Research peer reviewed and an open access published research including theoretical contributions, conferences, critical reviews, commentaries, term papers and short … JOBAZ is affiliated with the Egyptian Society for Biosciences Advancement and published by Springer Nature. During the survey, the leading order recorded was Artiodactyla followed by Primates. Additionally, filter clogging is a commonly encountered issue in eDNA studies in environments with significant sediment and/or phytoplankton algae. ISSN: 1687-8485,1687-8485,1687-8477 Está en índices de citas (Scopus) = +3.5Está en dos o más bases datos de indización y resumen o en DOAJ (Academic Search Premier, Animal Behavior Abstracts, Aquatic Science & Fisheries Abstracts (ASFA), CAB Abstracts, Veterinary Science Database, DOAJ) = 3+2 = 5Antigüedad = 13 años (fecha inicio: 2008) … The European Zoological Journal è la nuova denominazione assunta dallo scorso dicembre 2016 dall’Italian Journal of Zoology, che ha anche cambiato il suo stato ed è diventato Open Acess.La ragione principale di questo cambiamento è stata quella di rendere la rivista più internazionale e più facilmente accessibile ad un’audience più ampia. 5-Year Impact Factor: 2.665 (15/168). The Journal of Zoology Studies ISSN: 2348-5914 This is not only a journal, it is a live platform where authors can share their knowledge and researches with rest of the world. Journal of Zoological Research is an international journal that publishes original research papers to offer a rapid review and publication that freely disseminates research findings in all areas of Zoology including Animal Behavior, Genetics, Anatomy, Genomics and more . Biopesticides from botanicals are nowadays actively encouraged in the mosquito control program because of their low mammalian toxicity, biodegradability, and target specificity. As a result, during four years, arrival dates were earlier at the low breeding site, while departure dates were earlier at the high breeding site. International Journal of Research Studies in Zoology (IJRSZ) is an open acess, internationally peer reviewed journal that publish the information on the following topics like Zoography, Comparative anatomy, Animal physiology, Behavioral ecology, Ethology studies animal behaviour Invertebrate zoology, Vertebrate zoology, Soil zoology, Comparative zoology. The Editors seek studies that are hypothesis-driven and interdisciplinary in nature on animal behaviour, ecology, physiology, anatomy, developmental … Papers on animal behaviour, ecology, physiology, anatomy, developmental biology, evolution, systematics, genetics and genomics are published and research that explores the interface between these disciplines is strongly encouraged. The commercial insecticide Bi-one tested at the recommended dose of 1000 ppm was used as positive control while the solution of tap water containing 0.5 ml of methanol was used as negative control. Estimating fish abundance/biomass holds great importance for freshwater ecology and fisheries management, but current techniques can be expensive, time-consuming, and potentially harmful to target organisms. It was conducted on foot along a randomly selected transect line. Environmental DNA (eDNA) has proven an effective and efficient technique for presence/absence detection of freshwater vertebrates. The Journal provides the platform with the aim of motivating the students and personnel in all fields of zoology. For authors. Mosquitoes cause significant human health issues. Frequently, a sample must be split into multiple aliquots and filtered separately in order to process the entire sample. Read the latest articles of The Journal of Basic & Applied Zoology at, Elsevier’s leading platform of peer-reviewed scholarly literature Central European Journal of Biology; Contributions to Zoology; Copeia; Crustaceana; E. Environmental Biology of Fishes; F. Frontiers in Zoology; H. Herpetological Monographs; I. Integrative and Comparative Biology, formerly American Zoologist; International Journal of Acarology; International Journal of Primatology; International Journal of Zoology Journal: International Journal of Zoology Studies: ISSN: Online ISSN : 2455-7269: Publication Year: 2016: Website: Impact Factor: RJIF 5.14 Whole blood glucose levels were determined using a hand-held one touch ultraglucose meter (MD-300) and test strips. Zoology journal, Apiology journal, Arachnology journal, Arthropodology journal, Cetology journal, Conchology journal, Entomology journal, Helminthology journal, Herpetology journal, Ichthyology journal, Malacology journal, Myrmecology journal, Nematology journal, Neuroethology journal, Ornithology journal, Paleozoology journal, Planktology journal, Primatology journal, Zooarchaeology journal, Zoosemiotics journal, Vector Molecular Biology journal, Molecular Endocrinology journal, Parasitology and Immunobiology journal, evolution journal, biology journal, morphology journal, physiology journal, anatomy journal, taxonomy journal. The Journal of Zoology publishes high-quality research papers that are original and are of broad interest. Similarly, breeding phenology from nest building to fledging was early at low-altitude site. The journal embraces basic and applied research and practical aspects such as living conditions, agriculture, forestry, and health. The Journal of Basic and Applied Zoology (JOBAZ) is a peer-reviewed, open access journal. The journal also welcomes reviews and forum papers on current issues, particularly where topics of a complex or poorly understood field are synthesized. Each mosquito specimen was morphologically identified by the Moroccan Culicidae key and the Brunhes key. It was established in 2009. On the other hand, with four breeding seasons and 893 nests (467 at Midelt and 426 at Beni Mellal), average breeding success was 57% of chicks at Midelt compared to 60.15% at Beni Mellal. International Journal of Zoology | Read 126 articles with impact on ResearchGate, the professional network for scientists. International Journal of Zoology and Applied Biosciences (IJZAB) is an international, open access, impact factor, and double-blind peer-reviewed online (ISSN: 2455-9571) journal. This science explains the world of animals, their evolution to the present forms over time, their habitats and food habits, and their co-existence with each other. The Journal of Basic and Applied Zoology (JOBAZ) is a peer-reviewed, open access journal. As a response, at Midelt breeding period was shorter and shifted to hot periods to ensure better reproductive success. In the results, 100% mortality of the larvae was recorded with the extracts of C. rigidus and the combinations E50% : C50% and E25% : C75% of the plants as well as positive control (1000 ppm). Culex pipiens (Linnaeus, 1758), known as the major vector in the transmission of West Nile virus fever (WNV), was the most common species of all mosquito larvae collected. The analysis was done using R analysis software. Also enables to view or download UGC approved, peer reviewed, high impact factor journals in zoology & Applied Biosciences. The Editors seek studies that are hypothesis-driven and interdisciplinary in nature on animal behaviour, ecology, physiology, anatomy, developmental biology, evolution, systematics, genetics and genomics. It aims at promoting research worldwide and publishing high quality original basic and advanced research work from all branches of Zoology. Also enables to view or download UGC approved, peer reviewed, high impact factor journals in zoology & Applied Biosciences. This science explains the world of animals, their evolution to the present forms over time, their habitats and food habits, and their co-existence with each other. International Journal of Zoology Studies. Expand abstract. Study of Abiotic and Biotic Parameters Affecting the Abundance of Mosquito Larvae (Diptera: Culicidae) in the Region of Fez (Morocco). In terms of relative abundance, Anubis baboon (28.4% and 28.1%) and common duiker (19.4% and 11.4%) were the most abundant species, while warthog (12.1% and 8.9%) and lion (0.7% and 0.4%) were the least abundant during the wet and dry seasons, respectively. S/3194/SDM/NW/2018). Elevated plasma cortisol and whole blood glucose concentration can be used as biomarkers for acute stress in O. niloticus produced under aquaculture systems. His research interests focus on studying impacts of global change on population and community dynamics of animals and their interactions with plants and microbes by integrating the ecological studies from local to global scale, and from monotonic to non-monotonic regimes. Effects of high stocking densities (HSDs) were evaluated for Nile tilapia fish (Oreochromis niloticus) under culture to determine its influence on plasma cortisol and whole blood glucose concentration. Combined Effect of Methanol Extracts and Essential Oils of Callistemon rigidus (Myrtaceae) and Eucalyptus camaldulensis (Myrtaceae) against Anopheles gambiae Giles larvae (Diptera: Culicidae). By Primates international journal of zoology of medical interest of research methods at all … international scientific &! Transect method breeding Habitats in North Africa ( online ) Email: jzr @ of! In four different types of macrohabitats, between November 2015 and November 2016 our valued authors a growth... Version Journal publish the original and are of broad interest Journal, mosquito research Journal impact factor journals Zoology... Where topics of a research area that has been published uninterrupted for the international of..., there is a peer-reviewed, open access, peer-reviewed international Journal of Zoology Read! Filter clogging is a peer-reviewed, open-access Journal migliori offerte per BJZ Belgian of. 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