Several passages stand out in pointing us to the person and ministry of the Savior. In the nineteenth century debates about slavery, Christians using the Bible were—those who were in support of a slavery position—really emphasized those Pauline epistles that were mainly written by his disciples that were really emphasizing the submission of slaves to their slave owners. New Testament Survey Pauline Epistles Week 12 - It generally accepted that the Pastoral Epistles were written during what might be called Paul s 4th Missionary Journey. Nine of Paul’s letters were addressed to local churches in certain areas of the Roman empire. Because the historical circumstances are very similar to those of 1 Thessalonians, most believe it was written not long after the first letter—perhaps about six months. Gospels and Pauline Epistles: Major Themes and Characteristics. The Example of Abraham: He was Justified by Faith, Not by Works (3:6-9), C. Justification Is by Faith, Not by the Law (3:10–4:11), D. The Galatians Received Their Blessings by Faith, Not by Law (4:12-20), E. Law and Grace Are Mutually Exclusive (4:21-31), III. 4. Paul’s Prayer for the Colossians’ Growth (1:9-14), 3. In view of the theme or purpose, the key words are “wealth,” “walk,” and “warfare.”. Paul’s an important character: out of the 27 books in the New Testament, Paul wrote 13. In this letter we have a wonderful example. The Great Epistles: Galatians, 1-2 Corinthians, Romans. A month or so ago, I began hearing the Holy Spirit speak to my heart. [15] Advocates of Pauline authorship defend the differences that there are between elements in this letter and those commonly considered the genuine work of Paul (e.g. Add Bookmark. He wrote: (1) to give an incentive for the Thessalonians to persevere by describing the reward and retribution that will occur in the future judgment of God (1:3-10), (2) to clarify the prominent events belonging to the day of the Lord in order to prove the falsity of the claims that the day had already arrived (2:1-2), and (3) to give detailed instructions covering the disciplinary steps the church should take in correcting those who refuse to work (3:6-15). II. Paul wrote about the fruit of the spirit, justification, sanctification, grace, and more! Paul’s 14 epistles found in our present New Testament were written to members of the Church who already had some knowledge of the gospel. For this reason a proverb warned, “Not for every man is the voyage to Corinth.”, From the account in Acts it would appear as if Paul had little fruit among the Jews and that nearly all of his converts were Gentiles. They contain exhortations from Paul to Timothy and Titus regarding how they are to act and what they are to preach. 16:1-4; 2 Cor. Nine of the epistles that Paul wrote were written to churches and four of them were written to individuals. He Commands and Convicts Regarding Idleness (3:1-16), V. His Concluding Benediction and Greeting (3:16-18). These books, then, deal with matters of church order or ecclesiology not hitherto addressed, but before God gave the church directions for church organization (or order as specific as those we find in the pastorals) He gave us Romans, 1 and 2 Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, and Colossians. 3:1; 4:1; 6:20). Themes of the Pastoral Epistles The tenor of the Pastoral Epistles is parenetic in nature. This was an established literary style as early as the 4th century BCE. One can certainly see, then, how the immoral and religious conditions of Corinth had negatively impacted the life of the church spiritually and morally. The Practical Portion of the Epistle; The Walk and Conduct of the Church (4:1-6:24), B. To instruct Titus about what he should do to correct the matters that were lacking in order to properly establish the churches in Crete. Notably Pauline them es, however, are 1. Print. In this little epistle, we see Paul’s “full-length portrait of Christ.”59 Colossians demonstrates that because of all that Jesus Christ is in His person and has accomplished in His work, He, as the object of the believer’s faith, is all we need for in Him we are complete (2:10). Logistics: specific instructions, greetings, etc. Moreover, the books declare Paul as the author (1 Tim. We know that each book was inspired by God, written by Paul, and faithfully preserved in the church throughout history. Because of the greetings in 1:2, Colossians became known as Pros Kolossaeis, “To the Colossians.” As with the other epistles of Paul surveyed thus far, both the external and internal evidence strongly support Paul’s authorship. 2:3). What is the ostensible occasion for each of the Deutero-Pauline and Pastoral Epistles (i.e., what situation do they appear to presuppose)? St. They are secondary. 10-13). A key word in concept is “correction” as Paul sought to correct the problems in Corinth, but “wisdom,” contrasting God’s wisdom with man’s, is also a key word of the book. Again, as is so consistent with the teaching of Paul, we see how good works or the conduct of the Christian is so connected with the person and work of Christ, past, present, and future. 1. As declared in 1:1 and 2:18, all evidence (external and internal) supports the claim of the book that Paul is the author of 1 Thessalonians. Colossians1 Thessalonians2 ThessaloniansPastoral epistles: 1. As clearly stated in the opening verse of each of the prison epistles, Paul is declared to be the author. The second theme flows out of the first, namely, the believer’s responsibility to know, grasp, and walk in a manner that is fitting with his heavenly position and calling in Christ (1:18-23; 3:14-21; 4:1). Tit. 202-03. In addition, Irenaeus, Tertullian, and Clement of Alexandria, and the Muratorian Canon do as well. When the epistles discuss faith, it is about keeping and maintaining God's commandments. To express his plans to join Titus again in Nicopolis for the winter (3:12). When Paul left Antioch for Jerusalem to discuss the gospel of grace (Acts 15:1f.) 6:21-22; Col. 4:7-8) and is probably the same letter that is called “my letter … from Laodicea” in Col. 4:16.55. You can learn more about Philemon’s role here. With almost no exception, from the early church this epistle has been credited to Paul. Good deeds are not to be the product of human ingenuity or dead religion, but the work of God’s grace through faith in the power of God as manifested in Christ, the Savior. Fruit Of The Spirit. The superiority of prophecy over tongues (14:1-25), 5. Biblical literature - Biblical literature - The Pauline Letters: In the New Testament canon of 27 books, 21 are called “letters,” and even the Revelation to John starts and ends in letter form. It should be pointed out that the two lost letters were lost only because they were not intended by God to be part of the biblical canon. Here, in part 2 of this same topic the discussion continues by taking on board such additional vital ethical aspects as- The Abuse of Christian liberty; Public worship; Household codes. Scholars use a number of methods of historiography and higher criticismto determine whether a text is properly attributed to its author. Here, in part 2 of this same topic the discussion continues by taking on board such additional vital ethical aspects as- The Abuse of Christian liberty; Public worship; Household codes. In addition, a number of historical allusions in the book fit Paul’s life as recounted in Acts and in his own letters (cf. Care for women, widows, and slaves. Death was the normal punishment for a runaway slave, but Paul intercedes on behalf of Onesimus. The Ministry of Reconciliation (5:11–6:10), K. A Spiritual Father’s Appeal to His Children (6:11–7:4), II. In view of this evidence, few (some radical critics of the nineteenth century) have ever questioned Paul’s authorship. There’s so much we can learn from the Epistles! Who Was Herod? Several themes and purposes are seen in this epistle. The Doctrinal Portion of the Epistle, the Wealth and Calling of the Church (1:3-3:21), B. While the general focus of this epistle is Paul’s “defense” of his ministry and authority, a key word that surfaces is “comfort” (occurring 11 times in 9 verses). Hortatory: The Collection for the Christians at Jerusalem (chs. The attacks on the church changed with time and situation and thus four themes characteristic of the Apostle Paul's letters (i.e. Primarily Apologetic: Explanation of Paul’s Conduct and Apostolic Ministry (chs. Give each team a pencil, markers, newsprint, and one of the slips of paper from resource 2-B, "Themes in Paul's Epistles" (PDF). This would include such things as: qualification for elders and deacons (chap. In the 19th century, however, some thought that the heresy refuted in ch. The phrase “our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ” is one of the christologically significant texts affected by the Granville Sharp rule. Proposed Order of Paul’s Epistles In summary, then, these books were designed by God to aid us in our pastoral responsibilities and in organic development and guidance for the life of local churches. Paul wrote all four prison epistles during his first Roman imprisonment. Paul wrote about the fruit of the spirit, justification, sanctification, grace, and more! Give each team a pencil, markers, newsprint, and one of the slips of paper from resource 2-B, "Themes in Paul's Epistles" (PDF). If the letter was written to Christians in North Galatia, the churches were founded on the second missionary journey and the epistle was written on the third missionary journey, either early from Ephesus (about A.D. 53) or later (about 55) from Macedonia. Since these books deal with church order, ministry, and organization, why were they not first? Phrases in Ephesians like “in Christ” or “with Christ” appear some 35 times. Ephesians along with Philippians, Colossians, and Philemon are sometimes referred to as the prison epistles because they were each written while Paul was confined or in chains. The Pauline Epistles contain significant teachings on difficult theological issues such as election, predestination, foreknowledge, the deity/humanity of Christ, God’s ongoing relationship with Israel, and the Judgment Seat of Christ. Thus, the Epistles answer these questions, give the interpretation of the person and work of Christ, and apply the truth of the gospel to believers. This is, of course, fitting, for sound doctrine should lead to godly conduct. Onesimus was condemned by law but saved by grace.72, I. The Importance of the Resurrection (15:1-11), B. The Personal Circumstances of Paul in Rome: The Preaching of Christ (1:12-30), III. As with 1 Thessalonians, this letter was also written by Paul (cf. Condemnation: The Need of Righteousness Because of Sin in All (1:18–3:20), A. Combating heresy. The theme is to show how the grace of God that has appeared to us in the saving life and death of Christ instructs us to deny ungodliness and to live righteously and soberly as a people full of good works that are in keeping with the doctrine of God (2:10–3:9). 1. A majority still hold to Paul’s authorship of 2 Thessalonians.62, As the second letter to the church at Thessalonica, this epistle is called in the Greek text, Pros Thessalonikeis B, the “Second to the Thessalonians.”. What are the major themes of each letter? The style of these letters is characteristic of the Pauline epistles as a whole, as B. Rigaux has shown. What I heard, I tried to ignore. Match. These people belong to different countries, different race, culture and different religion. The first was simply to announce Paul’s plans to visit Rome after his return to Jerusalem and to prepare the church for his coming (15:24, 28-29; cf. 1:14). The Greek noun dikaiosune, “righteousness,” occurs 34 times, the noun didaioma, “a righteous deed, acquittal, ordinance,” five times, the noun dikaiokrisia (righteous judgment) once, the adjective dikaios, “righteous,” occurs seven times, the noun dikaiosis, “justification, acquittal,” twice, and the verb dikaioo, “declare or show to be righteous,” occurs 15 times for a total of 64 occurrences. Concerning the Day of Christ: The Comfort of His Coming (4:13-18), 1. I. Jesus was alive after all! 1886-1887. Paul first preached the gospel in Corinth while on his second missionary journey, about A.D. 50. Colossians 2. For example, because the author of the Epistle to the Hebrews never identified hi… A popular theory claims that chaps. Each outline contains the dates that the epistles are believed to have been written, the purpose or theme, and special verses to be aware of in the letter. Second Thessalonians anticipates Christ, the coming Judge. But the point is simply this: regardless of the type of church government, within certain limits, of course, if God’s Word is being consistently and accurately proclaimed with prayerful dependence on the Lord, and if the people take it to heart, a church will be alive, in vital touch with Christ, and effective for the Lord. Is this because organization is unimportant? These epistles were meant to inspire each of us in our daily Christian walks. 69 From the footnote in the NET Bible, BSF web site CD, electronic media. These are common Pauline expressions, but they appear in this epistle more than in any other. Each of these works is written within the Greco-Roman world, and all four are written by relatively educated authors. The key words or concepts are “judgment,” “retribution,” and “destruction” all revolving around the return of the Lord in the day of the Lord. The title is Pros Galatas, “To the Galatians.” Being addressed to “the churches of Galatia,” it is the only epistle of Paul addressed to a group of churches. amandabertsch. The Rapture of Living Saints (4:17-18), B. Further, due to the large portion of these epistles that deal with church order and discipline, the term “pastoral” is accurate. Test. Instructions Concerning Worship (2:1-2:15), A. In view of Paul’s statement in Rom. The Prospective: The Endurance of Hope (4:13-5:28), A. The role of clergy. Pauline Epistles. Two key words and concepts stand out in this short epistle: “sanctification” (4:3, 4, 7), and “the coming of the Lord,” which is referred to in every chapter of the epistle (1:10; 2:19; 3:13; 4:15; 5:23). Corinth was a large metropolis (approximately 700,000; about two-thirds of whom were slaves) located on a narrow isthmus between the Aegean Sea and the Adriatic Sea that connected the Peloponnesus with Northern Greece. There is an absence of controversy in this epistle, and it does not deal with problems of particular churches. The Prize of the Christian Life: Having the Knowledge of Christ (3:1-21), A. Polemical: The Heretical Problems in Light of Union With Christ (2:4-3:4a), A. It is true that there a… Paul’s Gratitude for the Colossians’ Faith (1:3-8), 3. W. C. Strickland (Nashville: Broadman, 1959), p. 12. The Condemnation of the Immoral Man (the Gentile) (1:18-32), B. 2); (4) to give guidance regarding numerous issues that would arise and to show how they should be handled. Then Jesus directly intervened. The second letter was dispatched just a few weeks (or at the most a few months) later. A young man named Saul was bent on eliminating Christianity from the face of the earth. That Colossians is a genuine letter of Paul is not usually disputed. Fulfillment of Old Testament prophecy. Romans, which has been called his “greatest work” or his “magnum opus,” gets its title from the fact it was written to the church in Rome (1:7, 15). The term, “pastoral,” is an 18th century designation that has stuck down through the years,63 and though not entirely accurate, it is a somewhat appropriate description of these three letters. First Timothy was probably written in A.D. 63 right after his first release. Summary and Analysis The Pauline Letters Approximately one third of the New Testament consists of letters, or epistles, written by the apostle Paul and addressed to the Christian churches of his day. Various forms of the words “righteous” and “righteousness” are sprinkled abundantly throughout Romans. 2 Timothy 3. was a 1966 graduate of Dallas Theological Seminary and a former pastor of 28 years. Paul had several obvious purposes in writing this letter to the Philippians: (1) He sought to express his love and gratitude for the gift they had sent him (1:5; 4:10-19); (2) to give a report about his own circumstances (1:12-26; 4:10-19); (3) to encourage the Philippians to stand firm in the face of persecution and rejoice regardless of circumstances (1:27-30; 4:4); (4) to exhort them to live in humility and unity (2:1-11; 4:2-5); (5) to commend Timothy and Epaphroditus to the Philippian church (2:19-30); and (6) to warn the Philippians against the legalistic Judaizers and the libertarian antinomians who had slipped in among them (ch. In this analogy, we are as Onesimus. Philemon’s runaway slave had converted to Christianity, and Paul was sending him back to Philemon. By this, we see much of what believers have through their position in the Savior. Philippians 3. Of the twenty-seven documents making up the NT canon, thirteen are epistles or letters bearing the name of Paul. The Character of a Faithful Servant (2:1-26), C. He Is Single-Minded Like a Soldier (2:3-4), D. He Is Strict Like an Athlete and Enduring Like a Farmer (2:5-13), V. The Caution for a Faithful Servant (3:1-17), B. For example, 1 Peter has some of the best-quality Greek in the New Testament, but James and 2 Peter are not far behind. As such a student, he was familiar with many of the sayings of classical and contemporary writers. The power of the cross provides deliverance from the curse of the law, from the power of sin, and from self (1:4; 2:20; 3:13; 4:5; 5:16, 24; 6:14). However, the term pastoral is inaccurate in the sense that Timothy and Titus were not pastors in the present-day sense of the term. As to external evidence, several church fathers (Clement of Rome, Ignatius, Polycarp, Clement of Alexander, and others) either quote from or use language closely resembling that found in Ephesians.53, In recent years, however, critics have turned to internal grounds to challenge this unanimous ancient tradition. It seems clear by comparing Acts with the epistles that 1 Timothy and Titus belong to the period after Paul’s first release and acquittal in Rome. Jesus told us, “... it is for your good that I am going away. Unless I go … A third purpose is related to the questions that naturally arose among the Jewish and the Gentile Christians at Rome like what does the gospel do to the Law and such Old Testament rites like circumcision? Second Thessalonians was evidently prompted by three main developments that Paul heard about: (1) there was the news of increasing persecution which they were facing (1:4-5), (2) to deal with the reports of a pseudo-Pauline letter and other misrepresentations of his teaching regarding the day of the Lord and the rapture of the church (2:1f. Prayer for Wisdom a Revelation (1:15-23), 1. The first epistle was written during the earlier part of that period just after Timothy had returned from Thessalonica with news of the progress of the church. In the early church, all who speak on the subject of authorship ascribe it to Paul. Had He forgotten His promises to the Jews? A major theme of this book, especially chapters 1-2, is the return of Christ in judgment when He will put down all rebellion and bring retribution. Many of the themes of Paul' s speeches in Acts are, of course, Lukan. 10-17). It is thought that there are differences in the vocabulary (ten words not used elsewhere), in the style (it is said to be unexpectedly formal) and in the eschatology (the doctrine of the “man of lawlessness” is not taught elsewhere). Here Christ Jesus is emphatically described as “our great God and Savior, Christ Jesus, who gave Himself for us to redeem us from every lawless deed, and to purify for Himself a people for His own possession, zealous for good deeds” (2:13-14). These epistles were meant to inspire each of us in our daily Christian walks. Galatians. Extensive genealogy given, proving he's from the line of David. Those things that characterize Paul are evident throughout (cf. Both external and internal evidence is very strong in support of Pauline authorship. In the process of this, Paul asks Philemon to charge this to his own account. Introduction to the Pastoral Epistles and Work; 1 Timothy: Working for Order in God’s Household. However, Paul’s authorship of this epistle has been questioned more often than that of 1 Thessalonians, even though it has more support from early church writers. The Pauline epistles are the fourteen books in the New Testament traditionally attributed to Paul the Apostle, although many dispute the anonymous Epistle to the Hebrews as being a Pauline epistle. 3. In these two chapters Paul demonstrated convincingly that his apostleship and his message came by revelation from the risen Christ. The New Position in the Heavenlies (2:1-10), 2. In this the apostle shows how God saves the sinner. Pauline Epistles. In the process, he made a preliminary stop at Troas hoping to rendezvous with Titus (2 Cor. From 56-60 Paul was slowly making his way through the Roman courts, arriving ultimately at Rome. The Pauline epistles are the fourteen books in the New Testament traditionally attributed to Paul the Apostle, although many dispute the anonymous Epistle to the Hebrews as being a Pauline epistle. The Propagation of His Work (1:24-2:3), II. Because Ephesians gives no hint of Paul’s release from prison, as in Philippians (1:19-26) and Philemon (v. 22), many believe that Ephesians was written in the early part of his imprisonment about A.D. 60, while Paul was kept under house guard in his rented quarters (Acts 28:30). Final Instructions to Timothy (6:11-21), C. Exhortations to Remain Faithful (6:20-21). Themes in Paul Epistles [Name of the institute]Themes in Paul Epistles Introduction The world in which we live today is full of people.

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