How Much Spending Money Did Russian Emperors Have? | About | Contact | Investors | Crowdfunding | RSS, Why this site is the very opposite of hateful - a Christian letter to my hometown of Lancaster, Pennsylvania, Full statement from the Editor, Charles Bausman, ‘Let Your Speech Always Be Gracious, Seasoned with Salt’, Russian Pro-Life Movement Sues Pro-Abortionists for Libel That Led to Threats of Confiscation of Children and Death, Saints & Holy Elders on the COVID Vaccines, Oldest New Testament Passage: Papyrus P52, Mt. Of course not. In this context, leaders from rich countries, who are privileged enough to be meeting in person while so many others cannot, have a responsibility to work to reduce the risks of nuclear escalation, and ensure that a nuclear war – the unwinnable war – is never fought. Does this mean that Moscow, or even Beijing, are happy to be surrounded by the Atlantic Alliance's bases? Biden and Putin must persuade other nuclear states that such a conflict ‘should never be fought’, Last modified on Tue 22 Jun 2021 13.44 BST. Written by world-renowned scientists, this volume portrays the possible direct and indirect devastation of human health from a nuclear attack. When Arranged Marriages Were Normal in Russia, Viganò: Considerations on the Great Reset and the New World Order, American Priest Officially Received into Russian Orthodox Church - Fr. Utilizing archival and newly declassified government documents and data, this richly documented book demonstrates how a variety of factors—the open-ended nature of nuclear deterrence, faulty assumptions about the cost-effectiveness of ... The former defense analyst who revealed the Pentagon Papers offers an eyewitness account of America's nuclear program in the 1960s and reveals the dangers in the country's seventy-year-long nuclear policy.-- Major analysts of Russians think-tanks have reached the same conclusions as set out above, namely, nuclear war is not convenient for anybody, especially NATO. We observe Russia’s behavior in Libya, Ukraine and now Syria and are left in little doubt that Moscow's involvement in international affairs has increased exponentially in recent years. Come join this new \u0026 fast growing community by pasting this link . ‘A nuclear war should never be fought and could never be won.’ Joe Biden, right, and Vladimir Putin meet in Geneva. If you are abusive, obscene, or a paid troll, we will ban you. Describes the skills and supplies that individuals and families need to prepare for emergencies like terrorist attacks and natural disasters, and offers survival tips and advice related to evacuation, shelter, food, water, and first-aid. Found insideThis edition of Cresson H. Kearny’s iconic Nuclear War Survival Skills (originally published in 1979), updated by Kearny himself in 1987 and again in 2001, offers expert advice for ensuring your family’s safety should the worst come to ... They have nothing; just a pistol to defend themselves against the lawless bands that stalk the road, the clothes they are wearing, a cart of scavenged food—and each other. The Road is the profoundly moving story of a journey. Athos Fresco Depicts St. Anthony of Kiev Caves with Schismatic Tomos of “Autocephaly”, ‘This Is Life from Now On’: Israel’s Coronavirus Czar Warns People To Prepare for a ‘Fourth Injection’ of Covid Vaccine. A nuclear war would mean the end of civilization as we know it, would mark the end of the financial profits, war, industry, energy, banking and other sectors of the global economy. Why? The Writings of Dionysius the Areopagite are Genuine - Here's Why, 15 Glass Masterpieces of the Russian Imperial House (PHOTOS), Religious Exemption Collections and Resources, Putin Rejects Mandatory Vaccination for COVID in Russia, “Man of God” Film on St. Nectarios Premieres August 26, LA City Council: Vaccine Proof To Be Required for Groceries, Guatemala: Seminary-Mission Center Under Construction, The Paradoxicality of the Logic of the Christian Faith, RUSSIA: Famous 22-Domed Wooden Church Re-Consecrated in First Service in 80+ Years (+VIDEO), Russian Online Retailer Accuses Visa, Mastercard of Putting Illegal Pressure on Russian Banks, PRESERVING THE FAMILY: From the Letters of Archimandrite John (Krestiankin), 30,000 Women Report Changes to Period After COVID Jab, Faith vs. Richard Rhodes, Pulitzer Prize winning author of The Making of the Atomic Bomb No matter your background or expertise, before you say or do anything else regarding nukes, I d strongly recommend you read and give serious consideration to the ... In this context, the Biden-Putin statement is significant as a step towards reinforcing the taboo on nuclear weapons and reducing the risks of creeping entanglement between nuclear weapons and newer weapons, in a world where tensions between major states are rising. eeting last week, the US and Russian presidents issued a, Commenting has been disabled at this time but you can still. On our current path, nuclear war is inevitable. It is a starting point for much-needed work: Joe Biden and Vladimir Putin promised that their staffs would start to talk about the groundwork for future arms control and risk-reduction measures, which will need to include the next extension of New Start – a treaty that limits the number of nuclear warheads each country deploys, and could also cover long-range missiles, space and cyberwarfare, and crisis communications. How Is Orthodox Christianity Different from Islam? Why This Site Is the Very Opposite of Hateful - A Christian Letter to My Hometown of Lancaster, Pennsylvania, New Posts Will Halt on 'Russia Insider' and 'Truth to Power' for a Few Months, Due to Family Circumstances - We'll Stay Online as a Public Resource, This Favorite WW2 Song Captures Russia's Ability to Suffer and Fight (Ahh the Roads - Translation), Young Russian Women in Train Station Sing Beautiful Ancient Folk Song About Love (Video), Easter 1944 - US and UK Bombers Were Murdering Their Serbian Christian Allies, Europe Commits Suicide by Importing Barbarians - Russia Watches With Great Sadness, Russia’s 10 Most Beautiful Monasteries: Winter View, A Magical Siberian Village and Its Amazing Wooden Church - Lost In Time, Russian Folk Wedding Rituals Are Wonderful, Complex, and Exotic, Boris Pasternak's 'Doctor Zhivago' and His Nobel Prize - a CIA Operation, Dear European Men: You Are Pathetic Pussies - Iben Thranholm (Video), This Super-Popular German Writer Predicted Russia Would Inherit The Earth (Spengler), Killing for the Sake of It: The Grisly Reality of the Failing US Empire, WATCH: Brilliant Kremlin Ad Ridiculing and Condemning Gay Marriage and Adoption (Video), Legendary US Russia Scholar Brumfield's Great Book About the Architecture of the Russian North, America Has Traded God for Empire, Narcissism, Militarism, Usury, Sodomy, Why Russians Are the Best at Ballet (Video), Major Russian TV Documentary Film Exposes LGBT Lobby, Moral Decay of West (Video), Russia's Immortal Regiment Parade Is a Huge and Very Important New Phenomenon - an Overview, Flashmob in Russia With Beautiful WWII Song 'Smuglyanka Moldavanka' (Video), The Germans Did Much Better at Legendary Kursk Tank Battle Than People Say, Americans Living Long-Term in Russia - a New Phenomenon, Winter in Saint Petersburg: 'Like Stepping Into a Russian Novel', More Russian Girls Singing Beautiful Old Love Songs, Russia Is Making High-Budget, High Quality Christian Cartoons - Imagine If Disney Were Christian - Soon With English Subtitles, The West Resembles a Decapitated Rooster, Wings Still Flapping, Barely Flying, Political Correctness Is Much More Harmful Than People Realize, The Case That 9/11 Was an Israeli Attack on the US Is 'Overwhelmingly Strong' - Ron Unz, Karelia - Russia's Stunning Border with Finland - Forests, Canyons, Monasteries (Video), Empires Fall. The question to ask is the following. 3. Russian Flashmob Sings Famous WW2 Song (Smuglyanka), Amazing Russian WW2 Monuments in This Viral Song Tribute to Veterans (Video), Trump Lied to the American People Last Night, 23 Times in 7 Minutes, Destroying his Presidency, NATO vs. Russia, Explained In One Picture, America Is 'Committing Suicide' By Allowing Trannies in the Military (Russian TV News), Putin Outed ISIS's G20 Financiers — But Not a Single Western Media Outlet Has Reported It, ‘US Secret Services' Tried to Nab 29 Russian Troops in Syria ... and Got Their Butts Kicked - Russian Military, Best Available Evidence: Hillary Clinton Has Parkinson's, 40 Million Russians Set to Drill for World War III, Russian Missile Tech has Made America's Trillion Dollar Navy Obsolete, Shocking Video of Nikki Haley Groveling and Pandering at AIPAC Event (Israel Lobby). But it said the UK might review this position in the light of future threats from new technologies that might have a “comparable impact”. Well, the first big change after the last world war was the arrival of mutually assured destruction. Do you think that Raytheon and Boeing would derive higher profits from a nuclear exchange with tens of millions of deaths? BREAKING: Defining Moment for Putin: Stand up to US/Israel Empire of Chaos, or Fold? A nuclear war would lead to the exact opposite: poverty, famine and a general absence (for the remnant of the world's population) of any form of power. It's no coincidence that the end of the last global war … See you there :). It is obvious that when Putin recently pointed out the danger that Romania will face, having decided to accept elements of the missile shield in their country, he was addressing the issue pointed out above in (a), which carries a lot of historical weight and significance. Meanwhile, the UK also made a shift in policy in its recent integrated review. As already explained in point (d), there is no chance now, and probably will not be in the future, where a state can hope to carry out a nuclear attack without receiving a retaliatory response from a nuclear-armed opponent. They’re just machines, and machines can fail on their own, with little human involvement. These two books, which helped focus national attention on the movement for a nuclear freeze, are published in one volume. This is a work of enormous force. . . Nuclear weapons are not sentient beings; Skynet is not self-aware and never will be. The recent anniversary of the Cuban Missile Crisis should be a reminder to American citizens and policymakers that nuclear war is not impossible. Show your support by disabling ad-block (How), Buy AD-FREE ACCESS here, for only $19 / yr. Disabling adblock for a specific site just takes a couple of clicks. 1. Life Will Continue To Exist. So What's All the Fuss About a 'Russian Banya'. If a nuclear exchange is not convenient for anyone, and if MAD cannot be altered willy-nilly, then why does NATO continue to fan the flames, raising the scenario of thermonuclear conflict? In short, the beating of the war drums by the neo conservative and neoliberals in relation to Russia is only another way to increase military spending and fatten their own pockets (the same scam is being used when addressing IS, Al Nusra Front/Al-Qaeda as a national threat). The real industrial profit for the military industrial complex, working hand in glove with Wall Street and London, stems from the preparation for war: spending on research, development, manufacture, stretching costs, inflating them and extorting as much money as possible from the government and the American taxpayers. The fact of the matter is that world nuclear inventories, led by reductions in the United States and Russia, have never been lower, and none of the major powers expects a nuclear conflict in the way they did during the Cold War. Our commenting rules: You can say pretty much anything except the F word. If you, sign up \u0026 spend $25 or more (BY JUNE 30th 2018), they will actually give you a $10 bonus on top of the 2%. Human Error: As long as there are machines run by human beings, there are going to be accidents. War, however, will not begin because a bomber crashes or a silo catches fire; rather, the error will lay in the misinterpretation of an accident by fallible human beings. History is replete with such incidents. Both essential and terrifying, this book is sure to become the new bible of the antinuclear movement. Join us! Import and export products looking towards the east. Of course the danger of an accidental confrontation leading to nuclear escalation is a possibility that hangs over humanity, but even in this case, it seems difficult if not impossible to imagine that there would not be a phone call between Moscow and Washington to clarify an accidental situation and thereby prevent tens of millions of deaths. The carrot and stick always feature prominently in Putin’s global vision of the foreign affairs for the Russian Federation. The World: The Story of St. Marinus, Believers Confront Patriarch Bartholomew, Holding Prayer Service at His Kiev Residence, Boy George Returns Icon of Christ to Orthodox Church in Cyprus, For Covid Vaccine Religious Exemptions – Your Sincerely Held Beliefs Are What Matter, The Local Saints of Central England Part 1: Betti, Hardulph, Modwenna, Reject LGBT? It is important not to underestimate the obvious and fundamental importance that humanity places on the strategic balance arising from so-called “MAD” (Mutually Assured Destruction). The constant state of pre-alert as a harbinger of war for billion-dollar contracts for the US arms industry. For any official, analyst, or party concerned about the spread of nuclear technology, this book is essential reading. Except for Pearl Harbour, Americans have never fought or seen the devastation of a domestic war against a peer competitor. Fred Kaplan, hailed by The New York Times as “a rare combination of defense intellectual and pugnacious reporter,” takes us into the White House Situation Room, the Joint Chiefs of Staff’s “Tank” in the Pentagon, and the vast ... And, especially, decrease the importing and exporting of goods using the US dollar. Encourage local production with reduced imports. Why Does the American Establishment Hate Russia So Much? Seraphim (Rose) to Young Converts, SHOCK Dishes of Northern and Far East Russian Cuisines, Another Saint from the Romanov Family. You are free to post any of your helpful, education, beneficial \u0026 truthful videos/comments/information to help others learn more. The basis for the Amazon Original series It’s America in 1962. Found inside – Page 1Now a National Bestseller! Climate change is real but it’s not the end of the world. It is not even our most serious environmental problem. Michael Shellenberger has been fighting for a greener planet for decades. The inevitability concept can best be understood by analogy to finance. The classic study of human nature which depicts the degeneration of a group of schoolboys marooned on a desert island. (a) Russia will never allow any country to make it a victim of such a situation as a world war, condemning its citizens to suffer tens of millions of deaths. The US stated in its most recent nuclear policy review, in 2018, that its nuclear weapons are not in fact only there to deter nuclear attacks by others, but to deter non-nuclear aggression on either the US or its key allies. Yes, nuclear war could still happen. How does Moscow perceive  NATO's attitude, and what is a possible answer to this continuous aggression? Each week I will upload one of my videos that I feel is most important...You can also donate bitcoins to help out my channel, here is the bitcoin address 165GkT72wk86iyexCJgsJKUN3gdRkWH2GG Anything is always appreciated so thank you :). Let’s be honest: nobody. Here is my top 20 for people wanting to learn from what I know. (d) There is no missile shield that is capable of neutralizing with 100% accuracy a nuclear attack (of any kind, that is first strike, second strike, pre-emptive or response/retaliation). We must remember that the best deterrent, along with MAD, is a nuclear arsenal that is intact, functional, and is ready and deadly. The added complexity of linking nuclear weapons policy to possible non-nuclear hi-tech threats is largely unknown territory, rife with risks. Logic then leads us to ask a simple question: What purpose does this chatter over the supposed nullification of MAD, thanks to the missile shield in Europe that gives an alleged advantage to Washington, serve? (b) The United States does not have the slightest idea of what it means to lose millions of fellow citizens in an armed conflict. Maybe to save the dollar from the true economic crisis that threatens to annihilate American hegemony? For some years the US has been saying no – and so have the leaders of the UK and France. If that doesn’t work this wikihow article gives more detail: But the nuclear states are not making progress on their commitments under the treaty to disarm. That could be a conventional military attack on the US or its allies, or potentially a major hi-tech threat, such as a massive cyber-attack. (c) Since the collapse of the USSR, NATO has lost its reason for existence. Photograph: Patrick Semansky/AP Jane Kinninmont is director of impact at the European Leadership Network. The classic war-by-accident novel is Fail-Safe, in which a computer blows a fuse and the Air... 2 Human Error: Thank you to all, it really does helpLIKE \u0026 SHARE THIS VIDEO.... 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