This map of Washington County is provided by Google Maps, whose primary purpose is to provide local street maps rather than a planetary view of the Earth. Township lines were established at six-mile intervals; after which, each township was divided into one-mile squares making 36 sections.Wood posts were set to visibly mark the section corners, and maps were drawn at the Surveyor General’s Office in Dubuque, Iowa. HOURS Monday - Friday 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM. Incorporated Places have an asterisk (*). Also included are inset maps of Appleton, Neenah, and Menasha, Waukesha County, Milwaukee County, Racine County, Kenosha County, Washington County, and Ozaukee County. The AcreValue Wisconsin plat map, sourced from Wisconsin tax assessors, indicates the property boundaries for each parcel of land, with information about the landowner, the parcel number, and the total acres. Native map size is 36" x … ADDRESS 432 East Washington St. West Bend, WI 53095 262-335-4400 800-616-0446 - Landowners--Wisconsin--Washington County--Maps ... Cherokee Nation Cadastral maps of townships showing names, statuses, allotment numbers of the individual owners as well as other geographical features. Maps of Wisconsin are generally an important piece of genealogy and family tree research, notably in the event you live far from where your ancestor was living. We encourage our partners to visit the Wisconsin Department of Tourism's list of COVID-19 Resources.Please visit our Facebook page for current information on delivery and takeout food options and ways to support local businesses. Preliminary traffic map, showing annual 24 hour average traffic, state of Wisconsin 1 : 1198000 This blue line print map shows highways, the scale of traffic volume, and average 24 hour traffic. Box 28 Port Wing, WI 54865 Population: 475 Map: Porter (Town) R R 2 Box 301 Edgerton, WI 53534 Population: 997 Map Near: Janesville-beloit, Wi HOURS Monday - Friday 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM. Land patents document the transfer of public lands from the U.S. Government to private ownership. LC Land ownership maps, 1440 Available also through the Library of Congress Web site as a raster image. All maps are in.pdf format and require the free Adobe Reader to view. Native map size is 36" x 40". ADDRESS 432 East Washington St. West Bend, WI 53095 262-335-4400 800-616-0446 DOT > Projects & Programs > Planning > Maps > Township, Borough, City Maps > Washington County Maps. Go with traditional Washington County Plat Books or information heavy Washington County WI GIS County Data with related geographic features including latitude/longitude, government jurisdictions, roads, waterways, public lands and aerial imagery. West Bend tax maps can be viewed at City of West Bend MapsThe tax maps for all other Washington County communities are included below. The following layers are available: PLS Points: Section corner information for the 1525 US Public Land Survey corners in Washington County. Town Name Township Latitude Longitude; Ackerville (was Station) Polk - Section 28: 43° 18' 36" 88° 15' 29" Addison (was Hamer) Addison: 43° 25' 21" 88° 22' 28" Board of Review for the Town of Washington, Eau Claire County, Wisconsin, shall hold its meeting on the 3rd day of June, 2020 from 4:00 to 6:00 p.m. at the Town Municipal Building, 5750 Old Town Hall… ... Library of Congress Geography and Map Division Washington, D.C. 20540-4650 USA dcu ... Shows county boundaries, cities and towns, and the railroad network with names along the lines. The Ozaukee County Tourism Council is dedicated to supporting our partners during the COVID-19 pandemic. Copyright © 2021 Washington County, WI • All rights reserved. ex c lus iv ag rt ( no ) ag r ic u ltes d n single - family residential multi - family residential (none) h am le t rs id n hamlet lbusiness community business h ig way bu sne cer tif a on: i ,the und r s g ow cam f y wi sc on, dh erb y tf a"z g m p The Township map is best and most fully seen on large screen monitors with a resolution of 1680 x 1080 or larger See lists below this township map for a list of all features. zoning map of town of wayne, washington county, wisconsin sou r ce: t wnf ay d p . The office of the Real property Lister is responsible for maintaining parcel maps that are used in the assessment/taxation process. Begin Main Content Area Washington County Maps. Search results 101 - 173 of 173. Number Maps in the Atlas: 46 Source Institution Souce Media Microfilm/Microfiche Metro packages this information for redistribution. The state of Wisconsin collection contains 1,484 atlases spanning 311 years of growth and development (1696 through 2007).Within the atlases are 105,627 historical maps, illustrations, and histories many of which contain family names ideal for genealogical research. Due to the fact Wisconsin political boundaries sometimes changed, historic maps are generally significant in assisting you uncover the precise specific location of your ancestors home, what land they owned, who their neighbors ended up being, and much more. Type of Monument Superior Wisconsin : counties, townships, cities, villages, post offices, railways with distances between stations / Cram's superior Wisconsin Includes distance table, 2 ancillary maps, township diagram, and 1950 census population for Wisconsin.
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