My husband, George, is a combat Viet Nam Veteran and has had kidney disease, as a result of the war, for 20 years. Our music ministry volunteers will present a pre-recorded Christmas Concert beginning on December 20, 2020. If you desire a statement of your envelope contributions, please email Mary Anne Dempsey at, parish support for his vocation and discernment, are strengthened by our prayers, as we also, If you wish to bring up the gifts for a Mass being said for your loved one(s), please see the Usher. Have you asked yourself: how can I make a difference in the lives of family, friends, strangers, even the world? There will be an interest and planning conference --  regular weekly help is needed at several Masses. St Augustine of Hippo R C Church. LET YOUR MINDS BE RESTFUL   The company that cleans our church and school have been trained and certified by Mount Sinai Hospital on how to deal with the coronavirus. He is on dialysis, which is keeping him alive; but a transplant would give him the ability to live a longer, healthier life. Click Here to see our full schedule of events. And it’s not just R-rated films. Don't miss the opportunity to become a member of such a unique ministry. The Ministry of the Usher needs volunteers like you. WeShare  is an alternative means of support for St. Augustine Parish instead of using envelopes. When you visit St. Augustine’s Parish you will find a multi-cultural, family oriented parish with a country church atmosphere. Parking around the circle not only ruins the grass, but might prevent emergency vehicles from getting through to an emergency. Since I cannot at this moment receive You sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart. An overview of this program is available via our custom link (above) or directly via: gp/chpf/about/. Just a note of thanks to all who have kept the parish in mind during this time of separation. The second priority is to resume in-person worship. Please be considerate, lives might be at stake. Shop at, using our custom link: ch/13-1740331 and a portion of your eligible purchases will be donated to our parish. We live God's Word and continue His Work. Welcome to the Parish Church of St. Augustine of Hippo We are a community of faithful, traditional Anglo-Catholics, young and old, committed to following the teaching of Our Lord Jesus Christ, as first delivered to the Apostles and preserved in the teachings and traditions of the Church. Suggested wording:  “I give St. Augustine Church, 381 N. Highland Avenue, Ossining, New York  10562 the sum of $_________________ for general purposes”. George received a kidney transplant on 1/2/2021 at Yale Hospital in New Haven, CT (which was also his 73rd Birthday). Pray the rosary for yourself, your family, our community, our nation and our world. And please feel free to come and worship Almighty God with us! St. Augustine Catholic Church. St. Augustine of Canterbury has made Online Giving available for our weekly offerings, as well as other parish collections. Sign the back of your driver’s license or an organ donor card and carry it with you at all times. Our first source is those who advertise in the bulletin, but a secondary source would be a Parish Resource List. SUNDAY 9:00 am Worship Aid Interactive Worship Aid. Please God… Grant them courage when times are bleak. Donating is simple, safe, and secure and take less than five minutes. If you have already signed up for WeShare and you do not wish to receive the weekly donation envelopes, please notify the Parish Office. A schedule of the Bereavement Support Groups include: Monday, Westchester Addiction Bereavement Support Group, Thursday, Covid-19 Bereavement Support Group, Group is a safe space to share & seek support. Perhaps you have time on your hands? Please refer to Home Page and Organization pages for latest cancellation information. If cases continue to rise, increased restrictions may become necessary, watch for more updates. The post Can’t Go To The March For Life? For those parishioners who make their donations through WeShare, please know that the “donation slip” that can be put into the collection basket may be found on our website ( under the Donate/WeShare tab on thIs page (Home Page), or on your donation page at the WeShare site. Fr. If you have knowledge of or reason to suspect misconduct, please report your concerns via a toll-free hotline at 877-820-0541  or on the internet The Holy Spirit guides our journey in Christ and to Christ. Weekday Mass at 8 a.m. Sunday Vigil Mass at 5 p.m. Sunday Masses at 9 a.m. and 11 a.m. This is our official Parish Facebook page: The company that cleans our church and school have been trained and certified by Mount Sinai Hospital on how to deal with the coronavirus. It makes sense ... God doesn’t need us to attend, Let us remember relatives and friends who may have strayed, we have two daily Masses at 6:30 and 8:30 AM. I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who has inquired about and/or prayed for my husband’s health. We pray to the Lord that God may hear the cry of the unborn threatened by abortion. Spending time with our Lady in your home, praying the rosary is filled with many blessings for you and your family. With prayers and best wishes, I am, Based upon the good reports from around the archdiocese today with the reopening of weekday Mass, baptisms, weddings and funerals, Cardinal Dolan would like to announce that, in the Hudson Valley counties of Dutchess, Orange, Putnam, Rockland, Sullivan, Ulster and Westchester, Sunday Mass will resume on June 14, the Solemnity of the Body and Blood of Christ, including the anticipated Mass on Saturday evening at 25% of the capacity of the church provided that physical distancing and other guidelines are followed. I am pleased to inform you that public Masses have resumed being celebrated here at St. Augustine's Church according to our usual schedule. If you know a veteran who is in need of food from the Montrose V. A. food bank, please have them contact the Knights of Columbus Council #311 @  stephencalcuttiknights311 However, family consent is required for donation. Assist in keeping the cloths used at Mass immaculate. St Augustine’s Church, Drogheda, Louth - Live Streaming - St Augustine’s Priory, Shop Street, Drogheda, Co Louth, Ireland Music enhances a beauty of the Holy Mass and provides joy, comfort and inspiration and musical prayer for our liturgies. View at your leisure as often as you like during the Christmas season. Praised be Jesus Christ! By logging in you can: Access featured local businesses and churches in your area. To schedule a visit, please call Patty Barbera at (914) 310-0558. ST. AUGUSTINE CELEBRATES 50 YEARS OF PARISH LIFE! A Dispensation from Sunday Obligation is still in effect for those who are not comfortable returning at this time. I love You above all things, and I desire to receive You into my soul. The Saint Augustine Roman Catholic Church Facebook page is not our parish's official Facebook page. Available in Mass Office: 021 4270410 St Stephen Mass: 11.00 only Sunday 27: 11.30 & 1.15 pm Mon 28 —Thurs 31: 9.30 & 11.00 am, 4.00 pm New Years Day: 11.00 am, 1.00 pm Our first priority is the safety of the clergy and people, and self-care of all ministers. However, drive-in / parkng lot masses are being held on Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday. St. Augustine is a vibrant community of Catholic Christians united in faith, filled with hope, and prompted by love. Discover all our Augustinian Churches and Mass times by clicking the button. The Catholic News Agency reported that evidence suggests that church, Over the last 14 weeks, they said, approximately 17,000 parishes have held, A Prayer to Combat the Coronavirus Pandemic. We believe that through our individual prayers and common worship we can strengthen each other to feed the hungry, clothe the naked, give drink to the thirsty, visit the prisoners, comfort the sorrowful, shelter the homeless and bury the dead. Para recibir mensajes de texto en espanol, manda un mensaje de texto con la palabro “brighton” al numero 202-765-3441 In lieu of weekly collections, the WeShare program will collect monthly contributions via your checking, savings, or credit card account. For more information on organ donor awareness, contact the New York Organ Donor Network at 1-800-GIFT-4-NY (1-800-443-8469) or visit their website at So drop your business card in the collection basket, or a note regarding your business or specialty, so that when we are looking for someone or someone asks,…we will have a list to give them. O Jesus, I pray for Your faithful and fervent priests; who gave me Your Body and Blood in Holy Communion; the priests who taught and instructed me; St. Joseph’s Men’s Group meets the 2nd and last Friday of each month. St. Augustine has suspended all its weekday and weekend masses in the church building due to the most recent directive from the State of California and the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. Amen. Members offer a caring, nonjudgmental presence as normal grief reactions & emotions. Because of its large size and ornate architecture, it is sometimes affectionately referred to as "the Cathedral of North London", although the church is not a cathedral in any official sense. Amen. Members of the Legion of Mary will bring a parish statue of Our Lady of Fatima to your home and they will pray the rosary with you. Greetings St. Augustine Family, The funeral Mass for Mrs. Jacqueline E. Wilson will be held at St. Augustine Catholic Church on Monday, January 18 . OR --mail a weekly check to Mary Anne Dempsey, our Parish Financial Administrator, at St. Augustine Parish Office, 381 North Highland Avenue, Ossining, NY 10562. If you are new to praying the rosary and have questions, click HERE for instructions or ask Fr. Meet the Augustinians of St. Augustine's Priory, Washington Street, Cork. “To fall in love with God is the greatest romance; to seek him the greatest adventure; to find him, the greatest human achievement.”   ―  Saint Augustine of Hippo. Two books from DynamicCatholic: Matthew Kelly’s “I Heard God Laugh” and “Do Something Beautiful for God: The Essential Teachings of Mother Teresa” Books will be available on the table at the entrance to Church. Twitter: Flocknote: Website: The Parish is interested in creating a Parish Resource List, as a reference for referrals, and parish needs. PLEASE REMEMBER ST. AUGUSTINE’S ENDOWMENT IN YOUR WILL. Click here to go to the FORMED website: Click on “Sign Up” then “I belong to a parish or organization”. Contact: Archdiocese of New York Office of Liturgy: TO OUR KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS AND PARISH USHERS, "You Are Not Alone On Your Grief Journey ...", St. Augustine Bereavement Support Groups continue to be conducted. You only need one kidney to live a normal life, so PLEASE consider sharing your kidney with him. Enjoy! Watch on Facebook Live mass times - The Mass obligation remains suspended If you were married in the Catholic Church and, regrettably, the Marriage has broken up, you are invited to speak with one of our priests or the deacon. The Facebook logo link at the top of this page will connect you with our Official Facebook page. Keller. If you have knowledge of or reason to suspect misconduct, please report your concerns via a toll-free hotline at 877-820-0541. Welcome to the Parish of St. Augustine in Ossining New York. Therefore, it is imperative that you share your decisions with your family. Choir Director, Bozena Romano, at  (914) 739-3527. Sign up and we'll send you a digital copy our our weekly parish bulletin. I embrace You as if You were already there and unite myself wholly to You. From time to time people come in or call the Parish Office asking for a Sponsor Certificate, which states that they are members in good standing of this parish, who worship here on a regular basis. To safeguard your personal information, enrollment can be done directly at the  WeShare website:  (click on this link)  OR by calling WeShare Customer Care at 1-800-950-9952, press #3 and then press #2 . Pope Francis overhauled the process of obtaining the Church Declaration of the Nullity of a Marriage that took place in a Catholic Church: the NY Archdiocese can now handle the procedure, no matter where in the world the Marriage took place;  the process is reduced to one step rather than a second review that was formerly required; the application form to begin the process may be downloaded from the internet! I embrace You as if You were already there, and unite myself wholly to You. Welcome to the Parish of St. Augustine in Ossining New York. Most major religions condone the act of donation, declaring it an excellent act of charity. If you are or know a parishioner who is in need of assistance of a personal matter. ADVENT / CHRISTMAS SPIRITUAL READING Thanks to a donation from a generous parishioner, we have an early Christmas Present for our families. We fly to thy patronage, O holy Mother of God; despise not our petitions in our necessities, but deliver us always from all dangers, O glorious and blessed Virgin. Remember, you can pledge your gift now and make payments in the coming months. This New Year, make a resolution to pray the rosary! The Saint Augustine Roman Catholic Church Facebook. 6 Things You Can Do To Stand For Life From Home, 5 Inspiring Streaming Options Every Catholic Man Should Watch. If you have any questions regarding the WeShare program, please contact: or call her at (914) 941-0067, Ext. Welcome to Saint Augustin Catholic Church At St. Augustin, we invite the Holy Spirit into our lives every day: in the quiet dawn when we wake, in chapel at prayer, in thanksgiving before meals and in humble reflection before bed. May the Divine assistance remain always with us! An intake interview is a prerequisite to attend Group. Our Vision. OUR CHURCH WILL REMAIN OPEN FOR PRIVATE PRAYER DURING THE CORONAVIRUS CRISIS. We strive to enrich ourselves, the parish, and the greater community through worship, evangelization, education, and service. Curious about a topic of your faith? Join us! For those who have contributed through We Share, or have dropped their envelopes off at Church, or have mailed them into our Parish Office, many thanks. There will be an interest and planning conference --  regular weekly help is needed at several Masses. Please take a moment. Just call the Parish Office at 941-0067 during office hours or stop by in person. Well, have you ever thought about attending Mass daily or a few times a week? Saint Augustine is a worshiping community that enthusiastically manifests faith through action, with open arms for all of God's children. Please bookmark this link as your starting point for your visits to to ensure we receive credit for all of your eligible Amazon purchases. Please introduce yourself to Fr. St. Augustine Roman Catholic Church 2486 W. 14th Street, Cleveland, OH 44113 | Tel: (216) 781-5530 | VP: (216) 302-2375 | Fax: (216) 781-1124 Thank you. Please join them in order for us to meet our goal of $175,000. Emergency vehicles need access to our property at all times. Ascension Catholic Church 4603 Poplar Avenue Halethorpe, MD 21227 410-242-2292 St Augustine Church 5976 Old Washington Road Elkridge, MD 21075 410-796-1520 While celebrating our faith at the weekly masses is our focus, the parish also contains a Catholic Elementary school. We continue to be a vibrant parish, active in our prayer life, spiritual development, social ministries, and education. Cloud, MN, use the zip code 56301 or the parish code K8W4KG for access! Since I cannot now receive You sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart. SPECIAL COLLECTIONS -- CLICK FOR LIST. McSweeney. J.P., and/or Deacons Tim, Steven, Cliff or John so that we may better serve you. Many thanks for your concern,  Joan Pires. Your kindness and generosity is a great blessing to our parish! There is NO cost to you to participate in the program. Both are available 24 hours per day. A Stewardship Parish. St. Augustine's offers a wonderful preschool staffed by professionals for children between the ages of two and four years old. Never permit me to be separated from You. St. Augustine Church and Catholic Student Center at the University of Miami is located in Coral Gables, Florida serving the local community and college students attending the university. Grant them strength when they feel weak. Saint Augustine's, Kilburn, is a Church of England church in the area of Kilburn, in North London, United Kingdom. Two books from DynamicCatholic: Matthew Kelly’s “I Heard God Laugh” and “Do Something Beautiful for God: The Essential Teachings of Mother Teresa” Books will be available on the table at the entrance to Church. Daily Masses are offered at 7 AM (Monday thru Friday), Saturday at 8 AM (preceded by the praying of the Rosary at 7:30 AM). A six foot distance must be maintained in the church whether sitting, standing, or walking. Manage your subscriptions to local churches; Don't have an account? The post 5 Inspiring Streaming Options Every Catholic Man Should Watch appeared... 381 North Highland Avenue            Ossining, NY 10562, Compendium of the Catechism of the Catholic Church, St. Monica Women's Adoration and Divine Office Guild, The Respect Life Society of St. Augustine Parish, Our Lady will stay with you for one week. A Word from the Pastor. Webmaster note: Joan is our Parish Office Administrator, Understandably, everyone is eager to return to normalcy, and one day it will. Amen. Many thanks to all current Ushers and helpers! Aware of the challenge of our Baptism in Jesus Christ and of the invitation by God to grow together in love, we the parishioners of St. Augustine's / St. Patrick's Parish Community seek to celebrate joyfully and worthily the Sacraments of our Church, to serve with compassion the needs of our parishioners and to work together with other Christian Traditions in our community. Those attending Mass in person should plan to wear a mask and follow distancing guidelines. Do not refer to Calendar below. You’ll be able to give to any of our collections and view complete financial records at any time. How do I enroll? We are part of the worldwide Anglican Church, although many of us come from a variety of Christian backgrounds or none. Parish Fax: (419) 592-6316 Grant them comfort when they feel all alone. The Cardinal’s Annual Stewardship Appeal serves our spiritual communities across our 10 counties. Our Mission. Please bookmark this link as your starting point for your visits to to ensure we receive credit for all of your eligible Amazon purchases. His blood type is O+; however, you can donate your kidney no matter what blood type you have. Please take a moment to peruse our website to see all that we are and all that we do! Now and Forever! Join Us On Our Official Facebook, Twitter, and Flocknote Pages. Never permit me to be separated from You. Join us! Shop at, using our custom link: nd a portion of your eligible purchases will be donated to our parish. Please be a humanitarian and help save lives. If you think about it, there is no better way to spend part of your day; no better way to praise God; no better place to pray for yourself or anyone for whatever intentions, including your own! All precautions must be taken (wearing of masks, maintaining a six-foot distance, no physical contact except for communion, frequent washing of hands, and sanitizing surfaces). Any members of the community that are able to step up and pitch in - simply contact us at and let us know. Our Lady of Fatima will visit YOU! My Jesus, I believe that You are present in the Most Holy Sacrament. FACEBOOK If you are not a member of Facebook you can access the live stream on the Online Church Website. Christmas 2020 Night Mass: 8.00 p.m. Christmas Day: 11.30 & 1.15 p.m.To ensure Covid19 measures are kept. To date, $106,843 has been received from 200 donors. Interested? There is a serious crisis of culture in our country’s media. St Gregory the Great . Thanks to a donation from a generous parishioner, we have an early Christmas Present for our families. If you were married in the Catholic Church and, regrettably, the Marriage has broken up, you are invited to speak with one of our priests or the deacon. Praised be Jesus Christ, now and forever! Frosty Day at St. Augustine - Photo by Nikki Silbernick. McSweeney, Fr. A variety of winter and Christmas music pieces by several different musicians and ensembles. St. Augustine Parish in Andover, MA is a welcoming Roman Catholic faith community. If you can carry a tune and want to learn how to sing, come join us. United by our Baptismal commitments, and led by the Augustinian Friars, we aspire to embody Christ's continued presence on earth. Please use the links below to join us for Sunday Mass live-streamed from St. Augustine. PLEASE DO NOT PARK AROUND THE CIRCLE IN FRONT OF THE CHURCH. Many thanks to all current Ushers and helpers! He is still  sore, but is doing well. is a collection of engaging and dynamic speakers, scholars, and evangelists from around the faith. contact Deacon Steven DeMartino at (914) 330-3727. Thursday, Dec 24 (Christmas Eve) - Vigil at 5pm - Christmas Concert at 11pm followed by Midnight Mass (live-streamed) Friday, Dec 25 (Christmas Day) - 8am (live-streamed) , 10am, 12pm and 1:30pm (Spanish) PLEASE DO NOT PARK AROUND THE CIRCLE IN FRONT OF THE CHURCH. . Here at St. Augustine’s, we have two daily Masses at 6:30 and 8:30 AM. When the parish office is asked for local referrals, we sometimes scramble to come up with some. We Augustinians (of the Order of St. Augustine), a Roman Catholic religious community, have as our foundation the living of a common life, seeking to be united in mind and heart on the way to God. St. Augustine Roman Catholic Church | 243 North Lawrence Street | Philadelphia, PA 19106 | T: 215.627.1838 F: 215.627.3911 | G.P.S. WELCOME BACK TO ST. AUGUSTINE'S. The Holy Rosary (click on title to go to Holy Rosary website) Rosary Prayers The Prayer, We Fly to Thy Patronage. Pope (540-604) We continue to be a vibrant parish, active in our prayer life, spiritual development, social ministries, and education. This is our official Parish Facebook page: If you are or know a parishioner who is in need of assistance of a personal matter, please contact Deacon Steven DeMartino at (914) 330-3727. Sunday Masses will be live streamed on our Facebook page. Check out this wonderful resource! Scott or Fr. Have you ended your day feeling that you really did not accomplish much? Welcome to our community! ), 2021 CALENDARS   A special thanks goes to DORSEY FUNERAL HOME, 14 Emwilton Avenue, Ossining,  NY. parish has served the Catholic community of Ossining and the surrounding. St. Augustine's Church Troy, NY – “Thou hast made us for Thyself, O Lord, and our heart is restless until it finds its rest in Thee.” – St. Augustine of Hippo Reverent, traditional, inviting and full of ministries; guided by the Augustinians we offer a beautiful backdrop for all of the sacraments to be received. Our lovely. We are located near the centre of Lethbridge, Alberta but our congregation is spread all over the city and region. Give it some thought. 102. Please call the Parish Office for more info. The post St. John Paul II And The Gospel of Life appeared first on Catholic Link. The registration process takes only a few minutes. If you know a veteran who is in need of food from the Montrose V. A. food bank, please have them contact the Knights of Columbus Council #311 @, If you haven’t already, you might consider enrolling in, To safeguard your personal information, enrollment can be done directly at the, For those parishioners who make their donations through, The Archdiocese of New York takes stewardship of your donations seriously. The Archdiocese of New York takes stewardship of your donations seriously. Any members of the community that are able to step up and pitch in - simply contact us at, To Transfer from Parish Pay to WeShare or enroll in WeShare,,,,, Wednesday of the Second Week in Ordinary Time, Can’t Go To The March For Life? Our lovely parish has served the Catholic community of Ossining and the surrounding area since 1853. Located in the Kitsilano neighbourhood of Vancouver, British Columbia, our community was founded under the patronage of St. Augustine of Canterbury and is shepherded by the Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate. St. Augustine's Church, Baldwinsville, New York 7333 O'Brien Road - 315-638-0585 One person can make a difference ~ one donor can save the lives of up to eight people and improve the lives of dozens of others through organ, bone, skin, and corneal transplants. All are welcome to join in a community rosary every Sunday starting a half hour before Masses, or every day at noon in the entry at St. Augustine Church. My Jesus, I believe that you are present in the most Blessed Sacrament. The process takes less than 5 minutes. Parking around the circle not only ruins the grass, but might prevent emergency vehicles from getting through to an emergency. Saint Augustine Church in Highland, NY, is a Catholic Community committed to spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and welcoming others to our Parish Family.. Be sure to check our site for Mass and Liturgy schedules, Food Pantry, Thrift Shop, Bazaar Information, and all of our faithful Catholic Ministries. Amen. All are welcome to join in a community rosary every Sunday starting a half hour before Masses, or every day at noon in the entry at St. Augustine Church. The Ministry of the Usher needs volunteers like you. Pope Francis overhauled the process of obtaining the Church Declaration of the Nullity of a Marriage that took place in a Catholic Church: the NY Archdiocese can now handle the procedure, no matter where in the world the Marriage took place;  the process is reduced to one step rather than a second review that was formerly required; the application form to begin the process may be downloaded from the internet! Welcome to St Augustine's Highland! We hope that you will become involved with our parish and we look forward to your presence and participation each week!! Thank you. I love You above all things and I desire to receive You into my soul. A six foot distance MUST be maintained in the coming months Birthday.! 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