The player's approach startles the horse, causing it to run away. The hunter will dismount his horse and start tracking a bear, commenting aloud how he cannot wait to eat it. Happens as soon as Chapter 4 starts. One is carrying the body of the person they have killed. If he is followed into the alley, a second man will knock the player out from behind. While the undertaker gets on the wagon, John can also get on the wagon and ride as a passenger on the way to the grave. Random Encounters refer to events and characters the player can come across while roaming the map. This page covers how to upgrade your camp, all upgrades and prices, and everything you can do at camp in Red Dead Redemption 2. They will greet the player and will request that they find some Milkweed for their moonshine.The man will thank the player for helping them and will tell the protagonist to once again take whatever is in their chest. At night in Valentine, an angry man can be seen arguing with his wife and attempting to drown her in a water trough. In another encounter, will follow the same scenario, but with a white man as the thief. He will state that he is in pain and then the player has the option to give him a whiskey or a health cure to ease the pain; the man will become frustrated if given the health cure, since it would not stop him from bleeding out. If a prisoner is helped, he will give the player a robbery tip. Find all collectibles across the world and sell to Madam Nazar. The player can encounter a man named Horace, crying for help around the Bayou Nwa. The player can also free him from the wagon and hogtie him, then bring him to the sheriff's office for a small cash reward and an honor increase. Signup for a Free Account. The Lost Man. The player can chase down the killer and hogtie him, then bring him to the Rhodes sheriff for a small cash reward and an honor increase. If the player antagonizes them, surrenders and then attacks, or tries to ride away, the outlaws will turn hostile and start shooting. After killing the two O'Driscolls, the driver will thank Arthur. The moonshiner will thank the player for the help and will ask them to take the loot from their chest. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the reddeadredemption2 community, Continue browsing in … When arriving to Valentine, she gives jewelry as payment for giving her a ride back into town. If the player accepts they will have to search for the conman in Strawberry. In Rhodes and Scarlett Meadows, the player can encounter a group or a lone member of the Lemoyne Raiders, who will try to intimidate the player. The gang member inside the wagon will curse at the player for foiling his escape. The player can encounter a man around the area of New Hanover. One of the Lemoyne Raiders throws a fire bottle at the city hall while the other gang member finishes writing on the building with messages such as "Freedom from Tryanny of Taxation" and "Lemoyne is a free state". If the player decides to intervene, the tax collector will thank them for saving him and will run away. Red Dead Redemption 2, being a huge open-world game, contains plenty of secret Easter eggs: there's Meteor House, a Hobbit hole, and mammoth bones, among others. The player can encounter a man named Nigel in various locations, who is looking for his lost friend Gavin. He reveals that a lot of Native Americans were suppressed and held in captivity in the Fort. Then the man states that there is no one that can shoot like him and announces that he will challenge anyone to a duel. Dr. Barnes will be surprised when the player enters his office. The player can come across a woman calling for help and pretending to be injured on the ground. If the player kills the wolves he will thank them. If the player does not respond or points a weapon at him, he will shoot at the player. If the challenge is accepted, the man will pass out from over-drinking after reaching the dueling position, or the player can kill the man. In another encounter, the player can encounter another man near Bard's Crossing. If the player points his gun at him, he will encourage the player to shoot and put him out of his misery. The player can offer to give her a ride home and she will tell them to take her to Valentine. Sheriff Malloy asks him if he has any last words before judgement. Sometimes there is a glitch during the encounter, where her horse will spawn alive and the player will have the opportunity to obtain a Silver Dapple Pinto Missouri Fox Trotter before the Epilogue. Two prisoners chained together murder the homeowner after a failed robbery and can be found outside following the trail of blood from the slain homeowner. She will lead the player to the back door, where three mobsters are waiting. The latter asks him how many people he has killed, to which the self-proclaimed gunslinger states that he can not recount them. At this point the player can walk on and ignore him, or follow him. Note: In the epilogue, Angelo Bronte's mobsters will be replaced with Guido Martelli's and will instead be seeking revenge at the player for having helped Charles during his fixed boxing match.Their clothing and behavior shall be the same, however. The player can ignore him or track the bear alongside him; if the player tries to speak with the hunter, he will say to keep quiet as he is tracking game. One is holding the driver at gunpoint and the other is trying to break a locked compartment. Usually, you can clear a Gang Campfire using a stealthier approach, and take out your enemies in several minutes. Dr. Barnes examines the man's arm and sees that the arm is infected and requires amputation. The player can decline the offer which will gain them some more honor. The player can eliminate the two and will gain an honor increase for freeing the woman, and will gain some more if they accept her request to be taken home and follow through with the favor. When traveling the road just south of Lenora View during the day, a man will beckon the player to come look over the edge of the cliff that the road runs along. His friend leaves and the wounded man heads over to a bench to rest. The man will tell his unconscious friend that he is going to get a drink and will go see his wife. The encounter can trigger near Citadel Rock. The woman will realize that someone is watching her and will grab a shotgun. In the first Red Dead Redemption, John Marston hunts down his old father figure whose delusions have taken hold of him. In Strawberry, the player can encounter two men spying on a woman. The man in the basement is relieved that player is here. The player can then loot his corpse, if he wishes. In the last encounter, she will talk to the player and invite him to know the tree by which she hanged herself. And no matter how long i was playing it i was discovering new things and secrets. When travelling through Bayou Nwa during the day, a man losing a lot of blood will fall off his horse and will call for help. In Valentine, a man is seen being hanged for murdering three people. The player can accept or decline the man's offer for a ride, but the man will steal the player's horse in an attempt to ride away. Red Dead Redemption features a colorful cast of characters who aren't just there to progress the story, but also to help Arthur in his quest to aid the gang that has become his family over the years.. Discover and Share the best GIFs on Tenor. Arthur can defuse or antagonize the man. The player can encounter a man named Joe, who is a hermit that lives in a tree and claims he is a king. The protagonist can accept or decline helping him. The prospector possesses a Sooty Buckskin Dutch Warmblood (RDR 2) that can be stolen. As he is dying, he talks about the fates of his fellow campmates and of the Skinner attacks. The player can bump into a drunk man exiting the Smithfield's Saloon or Old Light Saloon. Shoot to kill! The encounter gives the player the opportunity to obtain a second Volcanic Pistol (RDR 2), Schofield Revolver (RDR 2), M1899 Pistol, or Double-action Revolver (RDR 2) for free if they already have acquired one before that. After I gave him whiskey and he passed out, a number of enemies with skulls on the radar showed up on the map like they were searching for him after he explained his sins. In another encounter, in an alley near the Fontana Theatre or near the stables, a man who is getting mugged by an outlaw can be heard crying for help. In New Hanover, an O'Driscoll will shout "Look who we found! When returning as John, after being told that Arthur passed away, he will ask to be held by John, who will refuse. Then she will tell them to get out of the area and will run off. A hunter can be heard shouting for his friend named Tucker. Near the Théâtre Râleur, a man is seen standing next to the building and a woman from the balcony of the building dumps the chamberpot onto the man. The dead man's name is James Peyton, and he was going to pick up his wife Mildred before losing control of his wagon. After killing the Night Folk, the hanged corpse can be shot down and looted to obtain one of two notes: in one, the victim confesses his fear of being stalked by the Night Folk, and in the other there's a lament of a naive young man who bet with friends he could survive an entire night in Night Folk territory. After chanting slogans, the player can speak to her. Tweet him @RumpoPlays if you have a question or comment about one of his guides. The player can free the prisoner or they can turn in the prisoner for a small reward at the sheriff office in Rhodes. To find out more about the world, visit our Red Dead Redemption 2 walkthrough and guide. The player convinces the dog to follow him. The player can encounter a woman calling for help. Subsequently, Norris attempts to flee after the player becomes visibly irritated with him. The lawmen are guarding the prisoners as they break up some rocks. The player can encounter a small house that will explode. A town crier can be heard saying that Armadillo is unwell and people should get out of there. While crossing bridges in O'Discroll territories, the player may be ambushed by a group of them, two or four of which shall appear in front of him from behind rocks or trees, and two others who will sneak from the other end of the bridge to kill him. The wife is seen being held by the neck. Near Owanjila, the player can pass through a group of Laramies, one of which will hold the player's horse, asking him to get off it so they could steal the animal. After killing the O'Driscolls, a chest aboard the wagon can be looted for food and ammunition, and the wagon itself can be sold to the Wagon Fence at Emerald Ranch for $40.00. He goes on to mention that Arthur's advice ruined his life. Notably, the encounter resembles the Bully mission Rats in the Library. The pox!" In one of the encounters, the player talks to a man, who will rant about not finding any gold and then he eventually finds some gold. The main difference between a Gang Hideout and a Gang Campfire is the number of enemies you encounter. If they intervene a fight with the two O'Driscolls will start, which will also raise the player's Honor. The horse can be taken without losing honor, but looting the horse's dead owner will reduce honor. A person is trying to fight off a lone cougar and is climbing up a tree for safety. Red Dead Online Collectors Map. Red Dead Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. If the encounter is observed without interfering, they will leave the town. Observing a train robbery, the player can intervene to earn honor or watch the passengers getting killed which will result in a loss of honor. If the protagonist shoots the floor underneath the house, the hermit will fall to his death. Getting too close to the scene will irritate Freeman which will issue a warning to the player. Once you wake up, approach the campfire for a new set of options: My favorite thing to do in the morning is have a coffee, and I live a comfortable existence where I’m sheltered from the elements. If the player wins, the man will request a second, double-or-nothing round, but this time the targets will be birds in flight. If they decline the duel, they can follow the man and antagonize him. When approaching him, Russell will point his Carbine Repeater at the player and ask them which side they are on, North or South. If not, the protagonist will tell the police officer about how they saved the man's life. If you’re trying to pass a certain amount of time, go with what makes sense, otherwise I’d assume that you’d want to sleep until morning and get a good start on the following day. Bury him, boys!". After killing the rats, the bartender will give the player either $13 or $8 dollars (depending on if the interior was damaged). Helgerson will offer a Chelonian Handbill, which the player may choose to accept or reject. In Scarlett Meadows, a Lemoyne Raider is seen shooting at a target, while two of his comrades are watching. If accepted, he will lose honor and she states that she would like to talk in a more private place and to follow her. Near the Fontana Theatre in Saint Denis, the player can encounter Norris Forsythe a professor in eugenics. The ghost of a young woman named Agnes Dowd can be seen in Bluewater Marsh between 9 pm and 3 am. In Tumbleweed, the player can encounter him preaching law and order to the citizens of Tumbleweed and executing a member of the Del Lobos. If the player intervenes they must stop the gang member from attacking the man and defeat the other man. His friend convinces him to accept the challenge. The man decides to holster his weapon, but accidentally fires a round in his gun holster and ends up shooting his leg. In response, Forsythe belittles the protagonist for suggesting that every race is equal and begins repeatedly calling them a fool. The man in the basement notices the player and begs him to help him. The player can either try to gun them down and escape, or simply surrender the money. She can be encountered 16 times, telling a part of her lifestory at each encounter. The player can encounter a drunk wagon driver who has crashed his wagon and has killed his horse. In Valentine or Van Horn Trading Post only, the player may witness two men in a duel. If players journey north of Rhodes during night time, they ought to happen across a group of KKK members recruiting a new member and trying to set a cross on fire. The player can loot the man, but will lose honor, or they can take the horse. The robber pins him to the wall and points his gun at him, asking him to hand over the money. The protagonist will be asked to shoot bottles, and must shoot as many as possible without missing. He will also state that he is awaiting orders to advance into Lemoyne and take Saint Denis from the rebels. This concludes our RDR2 … His wife and son are seen crying and begging the lawmen not to kill him. As they are leaving, his wife will ask if he has fed the horses and if he has brought enough water for the journey. If the player loots the man, he will find that the man is still alive. Freeing the outlaw will result in a loss of honor. If the player decides to intervene, they will be attacked by the Lemoyne Raiders. The two muggers will then rifle through the player's pockets and mock the player's gullibility. The two Lemoyne Raiders will take the wagon.The player can attack the Lemoyne Raiders and loot the chest in the back of the wagon. If they aren't assisted or the encounter is ignored, both will be murdered and the player will lose honor. The husband now a widower, mourns her death and takes the body to bury her. The perfect Rdr2 Campfire Cooking Animated GIF for your conversation. If inspected it will be shown that his face is horribly macabre. The woman will tell them that a man named Mr. Abel demanded that she and her husband sell their land. Four outlaws on horses will attack the player. The player can accept their challenge and duel them, where disarming him will increase their Honor or decrease it if they kill him. If the player approaches the Skinner Brother who is using a bow, he will tell them to leave. In Valentine, outside the gunsmith, the player can occasionally encounter Mickey, an alcoholic who claims to have been a Union soldier in the Civil War. It is possible to use Dead Eye to save the lawmen from being killed, in which case they will thank the player. More Murfrees will show up after the player shoots the first three. Two prisoners will purposely get into a fight and a lawman will step in to intervene. The player can pick him up and take him to Saint Denis doctor. If the player gives him $1.00, Cassidy will give the player words of wisdom / tips that also may allude to later events in the game and the overall series. If the player does nothing, the man will drown his wife and the latter will lose honor. In the slums of Saint Denis, notably near Marcel Beliveau's Photographer Studio Portraits, the player can come across two mobsters. The player can choose to intervene or not. He will berate Arthur for killing all those people on the riverboat. They will hear the player coming and push a burning wagon with explosives in front of him. If the player helps the Grays, the Braithwaite will express his anger at the player and one of the Grays thanks him. The dog then escapes again, causing the boy to chase after it. Yeah this list is missing “The Veteran”, “The American Inferno, Burnt Out”, and “The Wisdom of the Elders”. Also in Saint Denis, the player can encounter a drunk beggar on the sidewalk, who will claim he has lost all of his money in a poker game. The player can encounter a man named Norbert who was bitten on the leg by a snake. Upon arriving in Armadillo, Sheriff Palmer can be seen overwhelmed by three Del Lobos that demand for their comrade to be freed from jail. In Big Valley, a man riding a Nokota horse will appear and compliment the player's horse. Afterward, the player can either comfort or antagonize the man. The men will wander off, disgusted and humiliated. The man will say that they are leaving the town due to the Cholera outbreak. The player can pick up the Feral Man's journal, which will make the man angry and he will immediately attack the player. If the beverage is given the drunk will thank the player and say that it's fitting that he be drinking the devil brew. If you're taking a long journey, you might want to build a campfire at night and get some rest. The man can later be encountered sitting outside of the gunsmith in Valentine, where he thanks the player for saving his life. The player can encounter different gunslingers in New Hanover, Rio Bravo, Big Valley, Ringneck Creek, and Scarlett Meadows who will challenge them to a friendly shooting competition. The player can encounter her after completing The Wisdom of the Elders I. If the player lassos the runaway and returns it to its owner, the owner will offer a small cash reward. If approached, the Murfrees will panic and flee. The stranger standing along the road claims that his horse died and needs a ride. The player can ride near Beaver Hollow and hear a man inside a closed tent screaming, making vomiting noises and yelling "Help me! When the player sets up camp around Tall Trees or Great Plains for the first time, areas where the Skinner Brothers are active, an event can occur where a man grabs the protagonist by their hair and holds a knife to their forehead. If the player agrees, they can dispose of the body in a pigsty nearby and receive 15$. A similar encounter can be happen in Van Horn where a drunk will ask the player for directions to the train station. If they are killed, then two more will show up and start shooting. The other man will tell people mind their own business. He will explain to the player that his friend went outside to get more firewood for their cabin, but his friend got lost in a storm. A Saint Denis policeman will be chasing after a black man for stealing. The man is upset at her and states that his new shirt got ruined. Random Encounters refer to events and characters the player can come across while roaming the map. If antagonize is chosen, Arthur will threaten the man to leave or he will kill him. By 1907, Nigel is still searching for Gavin, but is the worse for wear. Bill, who is also known as Rumpo, is a lifelong gamer and Toronto Maple Leafs fan. The gang member inside the wagon will curse at the player for foiling his escape. They demand the driver to give them the key, but the driver states that the company that he works for does not give the keys to the employees. The player can encounter a drunk man in Valentine who lost his sense of direction and asks the player for directions to his house, which is across the street from Keane's Saloon. The player can encounter the bartender outside Doyle's Tavern in Saint Denis. After a short walk, during which the hunter will point out that the trail is fresh, a grizzly bear will emerge from a small stand of trees higher up the slope and charge. By defusing them, the duo will urge the player to leave the are. Other prospectors can be found in O'Creagh's Run and the Kamassa River, south of Butcher Creek. Also, killing the rider will reduce honor. The man will then thank the player, who will gain honor for helping. The fifth Poster is picked up by another Bounty Hunter. On subsequent encounters with the same prisoner, the player will comment on how he was recaptured and suggest he run further away. The stranger will cry for help and state that they are low on ammo. The hunter will get on his horse and head to where his friend died and will mourn the death of his friend. As the player approaches, she stands up and points her gun at the player and orders the player to put their hand up. During the encounter, two of the outlaws are revealed to be called Jorge and Marco. In the first and second encounter, he is running through the woods and howling in the forests of Roanoke Ridge, especially near the site of the Old Tomb. When heading to the shack, a woman can be heard screaming. She challenges the player to a race to a random location within Scarlett Meadows. Pointing a gun at him will reveal that he is not blind. The protagonist can decline and walk away with their winnings, or accept a new bet and try to win more money. Feeling bad that the player was tricked, the bartender will subsequently give the player a free drink. Are random encounters repeatable? The player will lose honor for watching them. One of the men accuses the other man of cheating at a poker game. A Machete can be obtained from one of the Murfrees. The player has the choice to mislead or assist the hunter. During the ride she explains, that her friend let her borrow her horse to inquire about a seamstress job for a wealthy man. The player can find a corpse hanging from a tree and if they approach it, they will get ambushed by three Murfrees. Along the way, she tells the player that she usually does not trust strangers. The player can encounter him three times. I can’t really sleep there, so I wandered off into the woods a short way and crafted my camp. His friend states that he should go get some medical attention to his injury, but the man declines his advice. You’ll often encounter them while out in the wild and all in all, they’re as you’d expect. If the player sets up camp around the Tall Trees or Great Plains again after receiving the first death threath from the Skinners, he will be immediatly attacked by them. The player can encounter two outlaws trying to break open a safe they stole. As he is screaming in pain and blood comes out, his friend tells him to go see a doctor. A woman, upset at the racket, will appear on the balcony and empty a chamberpot onto the men while berating them. If the player refuses to give the man the whiskey he will still pass out on the ground, without revealing the story about the Fort and Indians. It is possible for the player to possess an M1899, if it is in the player's possession. The drunk will also tell the player that he feels sleepy and takes one last swig of the whisky. The player can encounter two different men camping near Southfield Flats, one of them will initially become hostile to the player's approach, but his friend tells him to calm himself down and that the protagonist might be able to help them. The player can use eagle eye to help you locate the dog and the dog can be seen barking at a tree. Winning these races may permanently increase the speed of the player's active horse. The boy then insults the dog for running away. The Raiders point their weapons at them and demand they hand over the wagon to them. The man will thank them for saving him and will get on a horse to find his wife. The player can choose to give him 50 cents or steal the money from his bowl. The player can re-encounter the same man and race him a second time. If the player disarms the man, they will gain honor. Two Murfrees have a woman tied up beside a wagon that has been ambushed and her male companion is dead nearby. On several occasions while traveling the player may encounter Blind Man Cassidy on the roadside, where he will ask the player for money. The player must kill the thugs and untie the man. The unfortunate man will walk away, muttering about how his ruined clothes had been brand-new. If the player kills the boy's dog, the player will lose honor. Once the player is surrounded, one of the Raiders will shout for the Gatling to fire, signaling the start of the attack. In Rhodes, an encounter with the same scenario will occur. A man near Keane's Saloon will call out to the player and ask if they want to make some easy money. If you decide to sit he'll talk for a bit then ask for … She tells the player she drank some moonshine to keep warm and woke up on a riverbank, totally lost. Similar to the Unlucky Man and Man falls of Horse, a man can be seen very slowly riding his horse in various areas before falling off. The player can ignore Lemoyne Raiders or provoke them into fighting. However, killing him during the duel will result in a loss of honor. The boy thanks the player and states that the dog is "the closest thing to a family I got left". Among the members of the Van der Linde Gang that will provide help to the outlaw is the cook, Simon Pearson. rdr2 online random encounters By | January 11, 2021 | Comments Off on rdr2 online random encounters | January 11, 2021 | Comments Off on rdr2 online random encounters If the player accepts to help her, she will give John the location of the homestead and tell the player that she going to find more help. The same scenario can occur in Valentine. Between Chapters 2 and 4, as Arthur Morgan is out riding, Javier Escuella will stop him and tell him that Bill Williamson was captured by bounty hunters. The the two men laugh maliciously Nigel is still alive some of the outlaws, Earl and Bobbie, on. Her borrow her horse for losing and vow to win the next time can bump the. Him not leave Strawberry who is looking for his horse already Dead by the sidewalks in Saint Denis Elizabeth. The worse for wear a reward can offer to give him 25 cents or steal from him, for! 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