hero + immortality | immortality + warrior. 30 Extra Candy combinations. Android and iOS gamers can now play Recloak’s latest title, Little Alchemy 2, which comes with more items, new art, and more “charming” music to guide you through as you solve the various crafting puzzles. Includes all Myths and Monsters content pack items cheats! + glass | glass + rainbow, airplane + dinosaur | air + dinosaur | bird + dinosaur | dinosaur + eagle | dinosaur + sky | dinosaur + vulture, farmer + vegetable | field + vegetable | jack-o-lantern + plant | jack-o-lantern + vegetable, container + mummy | desert + grave | desert + gravestone | desert + graveyard | desert + hill | desert + mountain | desert + stone, cloud + heat | cloud + pressure | cloud + water, cloud + light | light + prism | light + rain | light + water | prism + sun | rain + sun | sun + water, Deity + double rainbow! Discover exciting items accompanied by funny descriptions and lose yourself exploring the huge, new library! Mix items and create the world from scratch! About Little Alchemy: You start with four basic elements, and mix and match them to create more and more awesome things.Combine the elements by simply dragging and dropping one on the other to make something new. 30 Extra Candy combinations. Mix elements to create interesting, fun and surprising items. … 700 Little Alchemy 2 Combo Guide + 109 Myths & Monsters. hero + immortality | immortality + warrior, city + rain | cloud + sickness | cloud + smog | cloud + smoke | rain + sickness | rain + smog | rain + smoke, bat + machine | bat + metal | bat + steel | bird + boat | bird + car | bird + machine | bird + metal | bird + sailboat | bird + steam engine | bird + steamboat | bird + steel | bird + train | container + pilot | crow + machine | crow + metal | crow + steel | duck + machine | duck + metal | duck + steel | eagle + machine | eagle + metal | eagle + steel | hummingbird + machine | hummingbird + metal | hummingbird + steel | machine + owl | machine + pigeon | machine + seagull | machine + vulture | metal + owl | metal + pigeon | metal + seagull | metal + vulture | owl + steam engine | owl + steel | pigeon + steel | seagull + steel | steel + vulture, bell + clock | bell + watch | clock + dawn | clock + sound | dawn + watch | sound + watch, fruit + sun | fruit + wheat | juice + time | juice + wheat, grass + lake | grass + pond | grass + water | plant + water, galaxy cluster + life | galaxy + life | jupiter + life | life + mars | life + mercury | life + saturn | life + solar system | life + space | life + venus, lake + lizard | lizard + river | lizard + swamp, mountain goat + sheep | mountain range + sheep | mountain + sheep, fishing rod + human | fishing rod + sailor, beach + life | desert + life | forest + life | land + life | life + mountain | life + mountain range, Baast + tool | immortality + mummy | Maahes + tool | Ra + tool | Tawaret + tool, anthill + farm | anthill + jar | ant + farm | ant + glass | ant + jar, continent + ice | continent + snow | desert + ice | desert + snow, ant + container | ant + earth | ant + hill | ant + house | ant + land | ant + soil, container + fish | fish + glass | glass + pond | glass + puddle | glass + water | small + swimming pool, animal + armor | armor + cat | armor + dog, campfire + paper | campfire + rain | campfire + time | campfire + water | dawn + vampire | fire + grass | fire + mineral | fire + paper | fire + plant | fire + tree | sun + vampire, human + jupiter | human + mars | human + mercury | human + moon | human + moon rover | human + rocket | human + saturn | human + solar system | human + space | human + space station | human + spaceship | human + venus, big + explosion | energy + explosion | 2*explosion, antarctica + electricity | antarctica + sky | arctic + electricity | arctic + sky | atmosphere + electricity | atmosphere + sun | electricity + sky, earthquake + glacier | earthquake + mountain | earthquake + mountain range | earthquake + snow | glacier + gun | glacier + sound | glacier + wave | gun + mountain | gun + mountain range | mountain range + wave | mountain + sound | mountain + wave, blade + wood | lumberjack + tool | stone + wood | tool + wood, cow + Giant | cow + Paul Bunyan | Giant + livestock | livestock + Paul Bunyan, campfire + ham | campfire + pig | fire + ham | fire + pig, life + mud | life + primordial soup | life + small, bakery + human | banana bread + human | batter + human | bread + human | cookie dough + human | cookie + human | donut + human | dough + human | human + pie | human + pizza | human + toast, baker + city | baker + container | baker + house | baker + village | bread + city | bread + house | bread + village | cake + city | cake + house | cake + village | city + donut | donut + house | donut + village, blade + fabric | blood + fabric | fabric + sword, city + gold | city + money | city + safe | container + money | gold + house | gold + skyscraper | house + money | house + safe | house + vault | money + skyscraper | safe + skyscraper, Faerie + Monster | Faerie + sound | Monster + sound, container + cow | container + goat | container + hay | container + hay bale | container + horse | container + livestock | container + pig | container + sheep | cow + house | farm + house | field + house | goat + house | hay + house | house + livestock | house + sheep, air + mouse | atmosphere + mouse | bird + mouse | hummingbird + mouse | mouse + sky, container + electricity | container + energy | electricity + mineral | electricity + ore, campfire + garden | campfire + house | campfire + meat | campfire + metal | campfire + steel, lake + sand | ocean + sand | sand + sea | sand + water | sand + wave, animal + dam | animal + river | animal + stream | animal + wood, bee + container | bee + forest | bee + house | bee + tree | bee + wall | bee + wood, beehive + farmer | beehive + human | bee + farmer | bee + human, hammer + metal | hammer + steel | metal + sound | sound + steel | sound + wood, chain + wheel | machine + wheel | 2*wheel, galaxy cluster + philosophy | galaxy + philosophy | philosophy + planet | philosophy + solar system | philosophy + sun | philosophy + universe, airplane + animal | airplane + egg | air + animal | air + egg | animal + sky | dinosaur + time | egg + sky | pterodactyl + time, bird + cage | bird + container | bird + safe | bird + wall, bird + house | bird + wall | container + egg, darkness + star | darkness + sun | pressure + star | pressure + sun, metal + rock | metal + stone | rock + steel | steel + stone, blade + electricity | blade + glass | blade + motion | blade + wind turbine | blade + windmill, big + snow | hurricane + snow | 2*snow | snow + storm | snow + tornado | snow + wind, blood + bottle | blood + container | blood + sack, lake + wood | ocean + wood | river + wood | sea + wood | water + wood, container + pressure | metal + pressure | metal + steam | pressure + tool | steam + tool, corpse + time | corpse + vulture | corpse + wolf | meat + vulture | meat + wolf, pottery + tree | scissors + tree | small + tree | tree + wire, container + fairy tale | container + idea | container + legend | container + story | legend + paper | 2*newspaper | paper + wood, Baast + book | book + immortality | book + Maahes | book + Ra | book + Tawaret, alcohol + container | beer + container | chocolate milk + container | coconut milk + container | container + juice | container + liquid | container + milk | container + oil | container + perfume | container + soda | container + water | container + wine, big + rock | big + stone | earth + rock | hill + small | 2*rock | rock + stone, cake + container | cereal + container | container + cookie | container + crayon | container + donut | container + pencil | container + pizza, clay + fire | clay + stone | clay + sun | fire + mud | mud + sun, metal + river | metal + stream | river + steel | river + wood | steel + stream | stream + wood, bottle + paint | bottle + river | box + chicken wing | chicken wing + container | container + paint | container + wood | container + yogurt, container + gunpowder | gunpowder + metal | gunpowder + steel | gunpowder + tool, big + car | 2*car | car + city | car + train, energy + milk | milk + motion | milk + pressure | milk + tool, animal + double rainbow! While some items carry over from the original game, many are unique or require new combinations in order to form them. This is the best unofficial walkthrough to combine and find all 700 element combos in Little Alchemy 2. Check out how to make time, life, wood, motion and all other items! + pottery | double rainbow! Acid Rain = Rain + Smoke, Smog, Sickness or City Blizzard = Snow + Snow or Big Cloud = Atmosphere + Mist or Water Fog .., Little Alchemy 2 for the Android Available in English, Spanish, Portuguese, German, French, Polish, Dutch, Swedish and Norwegian. Find out how to make life! You start with the basic elements fire, water, air, and earth and create more complex items up to life, time, and internet.In our complete cheat sheet you choose an item from an alphabetically sorted list with all elements to find out more about it. Hint 1: Cold and Steam. Little Alchemy 2 cheats (sort of). YouTube icon. Every combination is a little puzzle to solve. Features obsidian is an item in Little Alchemy and Little Alchemy 2. Little Alchemy 2 – Mineral Combinations. Little Alchemy 2 builds on the previous version of the game, with over 600 items to discover and craft. sky. + human | human + magic | human + rainbow | human + unicorn, animal + dog | animal + moon | blood + dog | dog + forest, flying squirrel + Jackalope | flying squirrel + Monster | Jackalope + squirrel | Monster + squirrel, axe + forest | axe + tree | chainsaw + forest | chainsaw + tree | forest + lumberjack | forest + tool | lumberjack + tree | sword + tree | tool + tree, bird + forest | bird + tree | bird + wood, blade + sheep | scissors + sheep | sheep + tool, christmas stocking + paper | christmas tree + paper | gift + paper | paper + santa, antarctica + legend | antarctica + story | glacier + legend | glacier + story | legend + mountain | legend + mountain range | mountain range + story | mountain + story, bacteria + corpse | corpse + life | corpse + story | human + zombie. Find out how to make life, plant, human or unicorn and hundreds of other items also from content packs! Play at your own pace. It’s so much fun! Best Little Alchemy combinations. Little Alchemy 2 Hints. Mix elements to create interesting, fun and surprising items. Little Alchemy 2 is created by Recloak, a game development studio based in Warsaw, Poland. galaxy is an item in both Little Alchemy and Little Alchemy 2. + wax | paint + pencil | paint + wax | pencil + rainbow | rainbow + wax, bird + field | bird + scarecrow | field + hummingbird | field + owl | field + pigeon | hummingbird + scarecrow | owl + scarecrow | pigeon + scarecrow, glass + magic | glass + witch | glass + wizard | magic + snow globe | snow globe + witch | snow globe + wizard, Deity + galaxy | Deity + galaxy cluster | Deity + solar system | Deity + space | Deity + universe | galaxy cluster + Monster | galaxy + Monster | Monster + solar system | Monster + space | Monster + universe, alarm clock + bird | alarm clock + hummingbird | alarm clock + owl | bird + clock | clock + hummingbird | clock + owl, bottle + milk shake | bottle + smoothie | bottle + tea | container + milk shake | container + smoothie | container + tea, cold + ocean | cold + sea | heat + ocean | heat + sea | motion + ocean | motion + sea | ocean + science | science + sea, astronaut + robot | baker + robot | cook + robot | doctor + robot | electrician + robot | engineer + robot | farmer + robot | firefighter + robot | human + robot | lumberjack + robot | pilot + robot | robot + sailor, 2*Giant | Giant + Poseidon | Giant + Zeus | mermaid + Poseidon, beaver + house | beaver + lake | beaver + river | beaver + stream | beaver + tree | beaver + water | river + wall | stream + wall | wall + water, dawn + time | night + sun | sky + sun | sun + time, corpse + philosophy | graveyard + philosophy | grave + philosophy | life + time | philosophy + skeleton, Elixir of Life + human | Fountain of Youth + human | human + immortality | human + Peach of Immortality | human + Philosopher's Stone, angel + evil | Deity + evil | evil + immortality | hell + human, cactus + sand | land + sand | lizard + sand | 2*sand | sand + vulture, dawn + fog | dawn + grass | dawn + plant | dawn + tree | dawn + water | fog + grass | fog + plant | fog + tree | grass + water, alcohol + Deity | beer + Deity | Deity + drunk | Deity + fruit | Deity + wine, human + scuba tank | lake + scuba tank | ocean + scuba tank | scuba tank + sea | scuba tank + swimmer, Demon + desert | Demon + dune | Demon + Magic Lamp | Demon + sand | Demon + sandstorm | Demon + tornado | desert + Monster | desert + Oni | dune + Monster | dune + Oni | human + Magic Lamp | Monster + sandstorm | Oni + sand | Oni + sandstorm, barn + wolf | bone + wolf | campfire + wolf | domestication + wolf | farmer + wolf | farm + wolf | field + wolf, container + dog | container + husky | dog + house | dog + wall | house + husky | husky + wall, animal + farmer | animal + human | animal + science | farmer + science, domestication + Elf | domestication + Monster | Elf + house | Goblin + house | house + Monster, hero + windmill | knight + windmill | legend + windmill | story + windmill, cookie dough + oil | cookie dough + wheel | dough + oil | dough + wheel, flour + puddle | flour + rain | flour + water, airplane + lizard | air + lizard | fire + lizard | legend + lizard | lizard + sky | lizard + story, airplane + robot | helicopter + robot | paper airplane + robot | robot + seaplane, fabric + wood | leather + wood | music + wood, alcohol + human | beer + human | human + wine, carbon dioxide + cold | carbon dioxide + ice, Deity + forest | Deity + orchard | Deity + tree, big + duckling | bird + lake | bird + pond | bird + water | chicken + lake | chicken + pond | chicken + water | duckling + time | lake + owl | lake + pigeon | owl + pond | owl + water | pigeon + pond | pigeon + water, beach + wind | desert + sand | desert + sandstorm | desert + wind | sand + wind, blade + Holy Water | blade + Paladin | good + sword | Holy Water + sword | Paladin + sword | Paladin + tool, container + gunpowder | gunpowder + pipe | gunpowder + wire, continent + motion | earth + energy | earth + motion, 2*ant | 2*bee | 2*bird | 2*butterfly | 2*chameleon | 2*chicken | container + life | 2*crow | 2*dinosaur | 2*dragon | 2*duck | 2*eagle | 2*fish | 2*flying fish | 2*frog | 2*hummingbird | 2*lizard | 2*moth | 2*ostrich | 2*owl | 2*parrot | 2*peacock | 2*penguin | 2*phoenix | 2*pigeon | 2*piranha | 2*pterodactyl | 2*scorpion | 2*seagull | 2*snake | 2*spider | 2*turtle | 2*tyrannosaurus rex | 2*vulture | 2*woodpecker, alarm clock + egg | clock + egg | egg + watch, car + electricity | car + solar cell | car + wind turbine | electricity + wagon | solar cell + wagon | wagon + wind turbine, lightning + metal | lightning + steel | light + solar cell | motion + wind turbine | sandstorm + wind turbine | science + storm | solar cell + star | solar cell + sun | storm + wind turbine | wind + wind turbine, bottle + immortality | bottle + Philosopher's Stone | container + immortality | immortality + liquid, computer mouse + letter | computer + letter | electricity + letter | internet + letter, atmosphere + fire | 2*fire | fire + science | heat + science, lava + pressure | pressure + volcano | time + volcano, fairy tale + sword | lake + sword | legend + sword | monarch + sword | stone + sword | story + sword, electricity + gunpowder | explosion + petroleum | fire + gunpowder | fire + petroleum | gunpowder + lightning | heat + petroleum | lava + petroleum | petroleum + pressure | petroleum + volcano | pressure + volcano, machine + thread | thread + tool | thread + wheel, castle + story | dragon + story | knight + story | monarch + story | story + unicorn, container + love | house + human | 2*human, family + time | family + tree | tree + village, barn + farmer | barn + house | container + farmer | farmer + house | house + tractor, barn + human | field + human | grass + human | human + orchard | human + pitchfork | human + plant | human + plow, goat + human | goat + legend | goat + magic | goat + wizard | human + mountain goat | legend + mountain goat | magic + mountain goat | mountain goat + wizard, field + wall | field + wood | garden + wall | garden + wood | grass + wall | wall + wood, earth + farmer | earth + plow | earth + tool | farmer + land | farmer + soil | land + plow | land + tool | plow + soil | soil + tool, boiler + carbon dioxide | carbon dioxide + fire | carbon dioxide + metal | carbon dioxide + pressure | carbon dioxide + steel, fire extinguisher + human | firetruck + human | fire + human, brick + campfire | campfire + container | campfire + house | campfire + wall | container + wood, city + firefighter | firefighter + house | firefighter + land | firefighter + village | firetruck + house, car + fire | car + fire extinguisher | car + firefighter | fire extinguisher + wagon | firefighter + wagon | fire + wagon, animal + lake | animal + ocean | animal + sea | animal + water | egg + lake | egg + ocean | egg + sea | egg + water, fish + thread | fish + tool | fish + wire | fish + wood | piranha + thread | piranha + tool | piranha + wire | piranha + wood | swordfish + thread | swordfish + tool | swordfish + wire | swordfish + wood, campfire + gun | fire + gun | gun + volcano, human + lamp | lamp + tool | light bulb + tool | light + tool, big + rain | city + river | city + tsunami | house + river | house + tsunami | lake + rain | 2*rain | rain + river | rain + time, rock + wheat | stone + wheat | 2*wheat | wheat + wheel | wheat + windmill, double rainbow! 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