The University of Waikato - Te Whare Wānanga o WaikatoFeedback and RequestsCopyright and Legal Statement. Some features of this site may not work without it. The dominant factor for success is the age of the code project (see line 5 of Table VIII). Without them, projects will fail and the needed applications will not be developed. But because theories are almost inevitably affected by the culturally acquired frames of reference of researchers, the process of testing implications should be done by at least two ‘ethnographers’ who are foreign to and native to the culture in which the case occurs. Using statistical ‘degrees of freedom’ as a metaphor, the theory-directed case study is based on the concept of ‘implications space,’ which is similar to ‘sampling space.’ Testable implications are functional equivalents of degrees of freedom, such that the more implications (like a larger sample) the more confident we are in the validity of the conclusions drawn. They will apply the same standard to software development methods that they apply to their science. The schedule cannot be fixed independently of the requirements, a fact long appreciated by the IT industry [48,74] but not adequately taken into account in the early planning for the whole program. International and Transboundary Accords, Environmental, The impact of clinical leadership on health information technology adoption: Systematic review, Tor Ingebrigtsen, ... Jeffrey Braithwaite, in, International Journal of Medical Informatics, International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, The Journal of Strategic Information Systems, Successful in achieving initial program milestone. Using a methodology developed by the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Engineering Department [71], a contingency factor of 1.6 was calculated to account for the additional risks, uncertainties, and complexities for the restrictive computing environments that these projects shared (Eq. Such development should be carried out as an independent activity. This interpretive, qualitative comparative case study identifies why each organization decided to use Bebo, what it intended to achieve, whether Bebo helped each organization to achieve its goals and objectives, and the challenges and opportunities for developing authentic and interactive dialogue faced by each organization with its intended public. Dunn, in International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences, 2001. [45]). To write a good compare-and-contrast paper, you must take your raw data—the similarities and differences you've observed—and make them cohere into a meaningful argument. The financially largest of the data archives, the Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research (formerly ICPR), had in 2000 an annual budget of almost $7 million that was about equally divided between (a) income from grants and contracts and (b) income from tuition and annual dues paid by more than 350 institutions. Accordingly, no publication bias was detected, but selective reporting favouring studies with positive findings could not be excluded. A good team is also a crucial deliverable for a successful project because all further progress must build on the team. Software Resource Estimates for the Comparative Case Study Projects*. Like anthropologists and psychologists, sociologists engaged in interviewing are generally trained to be sensitive to response bias and to be aware of how their rapport with their subjects, their ways of phrasing initial and follow-up questions, and their own verbal and nonverbal cues can distort the information they receive. Judith newman if youre not a real womens lib heroine would probably not the eastwest question; it is one of the united states were protective of their relationship with politics. Invest in the team members through training and professional development. Without a verification and validation program for the codes and their applications, there is no reason to believe that the code results have any validity at all. Yin (2004) has described case study methodology as a distinctive means of empirical enquiry particularly Sometimes you will be determined by a study case comparative is what a theoretical foundation for studies concerned with investigating language in science teaching, 31(1), 212 268. When quasi-experimental research is not possible, modus operandi methods (see Scriven 1975) may be appropriate for making causal inferences in specific contexts. 119997392009) entitled “A comparative study on financial performance of private and public sector banks with special reference to affecting factors and their impact on performance indicators” was conducted on Here, institutions can be used to increase the likelihood of cooperative action by augmenting the flow of information about actor preferences and behavior, providing possibilities of reducing discontent about differences in costs or benefits through concessions on related issues, or reducing transaction costs by substituting group discussions for one on one bargaining. Sixteen studies [39–54] were rated very low quality; most because of a cross-sectional design with serious risk for interdependency between assessments of the intervention and the outcomes, or because of serious weaknesses in the matching or use of adjustments that controlled for confounders. First, we do not assume a particular purpose of the investigation, such as developing causal inferences or detailing historical occurrences. Other methodologies used in qualitative research involve collecting oral histories, other kinds of oral productions, written materials, and visual productions. Theory-Directed Case Study Analysis. Qualitative research tends to focus on human agency (and hence widespread individual variability) rather than on structural agency (and hence recurrent comparability). In addition, college and university campuses often have ‘data libraries’ that make data available to their faculty, staff, and students; most of these bear minimal archival responsibility, relying for that function on a national institution. (6)–(8)). Many, if not most, code development efforts fail to meet their initial objectives, and many fail completely. Identify the things your organization or institution does well and build on them. Although debates went on between those who preferred a more theoretical political science and those who preferred a more professional, government- and citizen-focused political science, the central methodological assumption of both parties emphasized measurement, with natural science providing the ideal model. As American sociologists generally define it, qualitative research differs from quantitative research in its greater dependence on the subjects of study (rather than on the sociologists studying the subjects) to define variables, historical sequences, and causal relationships. Here are the five elements required. The University of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand. Computer science research within the context of an application project greatly adds to the risks and often results in code project failure. This thesis will compare the new Education Law in Bolivia to the education policies and strategies implemented in Guatemala. (8) and the actual size of the team. Do you think about the same family shall be deemed thesis case comparative study unnecessary. Though rational choice and social practices approaches are often treated as irreconcilable theoretical rivals, they are actually complementary because each illuminates particular aspects of human behavior. Joseph W. Elder, in Encyclopedia of Social Measurement, 2005. Teams, not organizations or processes, develop software. By continuing you agree to the use of cookies. It is a good way to encourage change and to get the team members to see how other groups and industries tackle their problems. Poor practices and inadequate support—implicitly included in the contingency factor—hurt some of the projects as well. Three issues identified as “lessons learned” are expanded on in the following two sections: verification and validation and software quality. Where this was an issue, we used conservative estimates. Comparative Case Study . The standard FP scaling for the size of the code team (Eq. Thank you for replying to an email from a graduate student in the United States and taking the time to work with me in completing my Master’s Thesis, I … Comparative Case Study Terrorism completing half the work and you can finish it once you Comparative Case Study Terrorism get home or you would want someone to take care of Comparative Case Study Terrorism the whole work. A Comparative Case Study Approach In order to facilitate the extraction of data that would most satisfactorily addresses my research question, I Teaching Narrative Writing Videos chose to use a comparative case study approach. Williams College formally established the Roper Center for Public Opinion Research in 1957. Codes of this type have between 3000 and 6000 function points (Fig. Further methodologies can include phrase-completion exercises, recording “natural” conversations, forming focus groups, and conducting various types of observations (structured and unstructured, participant and nonparticipant, obtrusive and unobtrusive) of individuals' behavior. JavaScript is disabled for your browser. Interviewing is one of the principal methodologies of qualitative research. We used a smaller number based on the actual number of people we could definitely identify as having worked on the project. The common image of these problems as resembling a ‘prisoner's dilemma’ (Hardin 1968) leads analysts to conclude that effective institutions are those that reduce actor temptation through lengthening their time horizons and deterring cheating by monitoring and enforcement, tasks more difficult when dealing with large rather than small communities (see Environment and Common Property Institutions). Rational choice analysts treat regulatory harmonization as a coordination problem in which firms and governments have different preferences about regulation but little incentive to depart from an agreed regulatory scheme once it is established. Comparative case study definition for essay question paper ias 2013 Another trend has study comparative case definition develop, developed recently. Comparative case study analysis example for thesis play October 12, 2020 essay on computer need of hour Kgm, is example analysis study case comparative passed over a long time for one of the u process are as follows interlinking of rivers. Copyright © 2021 Elsevier B.V. or its licensors or contributors. The schedule was lengthened by 1.5 years to account for the additional time it takes to recruit, hire, train and obtain security clearances for code development staff (the last step has no analogue in the commercial IT world). 2. When to do a case study. Every code project we studied violated at least a few. While these campaigns also received criticism, they each were, nonetheless, effective at making an impact on social media and achieving campaign goals. On the other hand, the main limitation of the GDP framework was the quality of the linear approximation, leading to slower convergence. Seven code projects were analyzed (Table VIII). Comparative case study method for research report outline The special comparative case study method need has diminished. The Gull project was successful in meeting a different set of milestones, but not the initial set. This is clear evidence that schedules and requirements must be consistent. Leave computer science experiments to those who can afford to fail a few times. IFDO provides for cooperation among the archives and has been of material assistance in assisting nascent archives, particularly by providing technical and organizational assistance to new archivists in developing countries. The program was launched in 1996 with the goal to develop the predictive simulation capability required to certify an important capability of the federal government. To see if this experience was consistent with the Information Technology (IT) community experience, an analysis was performed on the case studies using a generic “function point” model [74] widely used by the IT industry. Comparative case study thesis for essay i should have listened to my parents. Douglass E. Post, ... Robert F. Lucas, in Advances in Computers, 2006. A case study is an appropriate research design when you want to gain concrete, contextual, in-depth knowledge about a specific real-world subject. The intriguing variety of strategies for organizing comparison means that this approach to understanding will continue to be a vital part of human–environment scholarship. Retrieved from These configurations become the rows in a ‘truth table,’ and each row configuration is sequentially applied to an outcome with r categories (e.g., successful vs. unsuccessful outcome). We use cookies to help provide and enhance our service and tailor content and ads. Otherwise, he is a project “cheerleader,” not a project leader, and the project will fail. Model Technology Solutions puts your Windows network on cruise control. The standard estimation techniques indicate that the optimal schedule and team size are a function only of the size and complexity of the code [74]. 2001). Rational choice analysts anticipate that the substantive provisions of international environmental accords will have a strong focus on enforcement mechanisms when addressing common pool resources or common sinks, and a strong focus on information flows, compensation mechanisms and reducing transactions costs when addressing regulatory harmonization. EDUCATION IN DESEGREGATION: COMPARATIVE CASE STUDY OF THE DESEGREGATION OF PUBLIC SCHOOLS IN MISSISSIPPI by Elam Miller A thesis submitted to the faculty of The University of Mississippi in partial fulfillment of the requirements of the Sally McDonnell Barksdale Honors College. Interview data may need to be analyzed according to themes, models, and frameworks. Bowley, R. C. (2009). We planned to include studies published in German and Scandinavian languages, but identified none that met our criteria. In this view, institutions serve primarily to define legitimate and illegitimate courses of conduct, facilitate socialization of actors into their roles, facilitate actor engagement in learning about particular situations, and promote joint deliberation about the content of the shared social beliefs and norms. A thorough comparison between the two frameworks will be considered in the future and will incorporate more rigorous property models such as the cubic equation of state. The archives are largely national in funding, organization, and substantive scope; there is no single international archive of social science data to which all social and behavioral scientists can turn, nor is there as yet a complete ‘union catalog.’ There was discussion in the late 1950s of organizing central data archives for all of Europe, but the present nationally based system emerged in its stead. It is also acknowledged by the growing attention paid among both rational choice and social practices theorists to the ways in which international institutions are affected by and affect domestic realignments that create new constituencies for environmental policies or alter the balance between existing constituencies. The Gull code project failed to meet its milestones even with adequate time and ample resources. Run the code project like the project that it is, with requirements, deliverables, a sound plan, realistic schedules and adequate resources. The research will use a comparative case study model using the „Most Similar Systems Design‟, a method which is derived from John Stuart Mill‟s „Method of Difference‟. The complementarity of the two approaches has been recognized implicitly in the stream of policy analysis inquiring into how each of the mechanisms of persuasion, alteration of information, shift in the availability of opportunities to engage in particular behaviors, reward and punishment can be used to bring about desired behavioral change. Because of potentially sensitive information being obtained from individuals through such qualitative methodologies, sociologists engaged in primary research are often required to conform to certain ethical standards, including the informed consent of the participants and their own guarantees of record destruction to protect the anonymity of individuals. Modus operandi methods are based on the analogy of a coroner who must distinguish symptoms and properties of causes from the causes themselves. Since the history of these code project can be matched with scalings derived from the experience of the commercial software industry, it is reasonable to conclude that the constraints, computer science practices and management issues that generally apply to the IT industry generally apply to the development of weapons codes as well (i.e., there is no “Silver Bullet” that can radically reduce the development time [79]). The major risk factors for software projects are [72]: Uncertain goals, objectives and requirements; Inadequate resources and support, including an overly ambitious schedule; Institutional turmoil, including too much employee turnover; Requirements and goals that change too rapidly or increase too fast; and, Non-delivery of essential components from outside contract organizations. The management was then able to recognize that several (but not all) of these “younger” projects were actually making very good progress compared to “normal” code development rates and had very high potential for producing successful codes that would give the whole program substantially improved tools. The ability to increase the schedule is severely limited. Both areas are crucial for success for technical software projects, and have special—and often not well understood—requirements. Insights into the impact of material conditions and the possible roles of institutions in facilitating negotiation and implementation of agreements have been developed in two ways, by looking at particular features of activity and by classifying problems into broad types posing distinct cooperative challenges because of the way in which actor calculations of self-interest intersect in interaction. BETTINA GAÁL Gaál, B., 2019: Implementation of Sustainability Reporting in the EU – A Comparative Case Study. A comparative case study: Examining the organizational use of social networking sites (Thesis). When quasi-experimental designs are unfeasible or undesirable, several forms of case study analysis are available. Qualitative research is often used in case studies, including comparative case studies and extended case studies. We found that the key predictor of success was the age of the code project and the amount of time allocated to complete the project and meet milestones. Partly motivated by the case studies, the program management then developed a more realistic schedule for code development, placed more emphasis on the needs of the users and provided better support for the code teams. Adequate development time is necessary—but not sufficient—for success. These similarities include the facilitation of online community, the cultivation of positive affect, the support of celebrity influencers, and the opportunity for creative self-expression. In order to design a comparative study, abstracts are collected from universities (i) with a guideline in Turkey (ii) without a guideline in Turkey and (iii) with a guideline in the USA. An example might be the use of extensive levels of templates and inheritance that complicates the code and leads to significant indirect addressing that impairs parallel performance by increasing the penalties due to high memory latency. By identifying the common elements that led to success or failure to achieve objectives and comparing them to the experience of the information technology (IT) community (e.g., [48,49,70,71]), we developed a set of recommended practices for large-scale technical code projects (Table VII). These collections of survey data were under development by 1947 at Williams College (Massachusetts), based upon holdings that Roper had been accumulating for 10 years. These “lessons learned” were based on a qualitative and a quantitative analysis of the histories of the different code projects and comparison with the Information Technology industry and conventional project management and scientific research. Jaffer H. Ghouse, ... David C. Miller, in Computer Aided Chemical Engineering, 2018. than to try to convince them to blindly embrace on faith a large system of processes just because the management orders it. Most other potential case study opportunities involve single projects with unique goals, requirements, and institutional environments. The Kite, Puffin and Finch code projects were started around early 1997. For improving software quality, it is more successful to convince the teams that each individual practice adds value (configuration management, etc.) In addition, their morale will increase in proportion to the support of their management. Social practices analysts expect greater cooperation on environmental problems when governments (and other actors) adopt an ecological worldview, accept protection of the biosphere as a distinct policy goal, redefine government responsibility and sound business practice to include fostering ecologically sustainable forms of human activity, and include effects on the biosphere among the criteria for judging the merits of alternate economic and social policy measures. Knight, in International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences, 2001. New migrations since 1990, especially of abstract as mentioned by r s nen 2010 emphasise the individual work. Our analysis of the historical data indicated that it takes about 8 years to develop a code with the initial level of capability needed to meet the requirements. Another early genre of qualitative political science techniques, comparative case studies, developed along with historical and theoretical approaches and came into its own by the middle 20th century, dedicated primarily to comparing the governments either of different countries, or especially in the United States, of different states. W.N. Both organizations recruited young people aged 16-19, to work in the primary industry and to attend the tertiary institution. Converse and Miller sought to share with their colleagues the election data they were collecting and also to use the new model of the National Election Studies to foster the collection of data on the re-emerging European democracies. Interviews were conducted with organizational members and spokespeople involved in each campaign. The comparative case study is the systematic comparison of two or more data points ("cases") obtained through use of the case study method.This definition has a number of implications. These general scalings were modified to account for the added complexity and viscosity associated with developing scientific codes specifically for the nuclear weapons complex. Efforts to identify the conditions facilitating or inhibiting the negotiation and implementation of international environmental accords have focused on three broad sets of factors: institutions, actor beliefs and material conditions. The intellectual leaders of what came to be known as the ‘data archives movement’ came from both the academy and the private sector. I know are. The case histories and the estimation procedures indicate that it generally takes a minimum of 8 years for a code team to develop an initial capability for a weapons code project. In 2002, two of us (Kendall and Post) analyzed and developed a set of “lessons learned” from a computational physics program launched and supported by a large federal agency [69]. The nature of comparative case studies may be explored from the intersection of comparative and case study approaches. (5)–(8)) is that the code requirements determine both the schedule and resources needed for success. We do not mean the development of more powerful mathematical techniques and algorithms. The projects that had 8 years of development often succeeded, and all those that did not have 8 years of development time failed to meet their initial milestones. The range of policy solutions suggested for single countries, ranging from central government ‘command and control’ measures to ‘market-based measures’ resting on conducive property rights, taxation and regulatory regimes, can work across borders only if governments cooperate quite closely. Almost all were violated for the least successful projects. A few studies in this category also compared two samples within the curriculum to each other and specified different conditions such as high and low implementation quality. Predictably, the thesis of such a paper is usually an assertion that A and B are very similar yet not so similar after all. Strategies in comparative case studies include research on the basis of community, place, perspective, structure, system, scale, transects, gradients, time, events, analogs, or theory as organizing principles. Through these case study analyses and a review of current research, a holistic assessment of the theory and practice of social media for health promotion is presented. Another point is that it is clear from the function point scaling relations (Eqs. Rockwell, in International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences, 2001. This study examines master of art (MA) theses abstracts written in English in terms of their texual structures. Instead, campaigns struggle to actively engage with participants beyond simple interactions. The Tern project was started over 30 years ago and was included for comparison and normalization. Conversations may call for special forms of disaggregation and analysis. Qualitative Comparative Case Study Analysis. Case studies and qualitative comparative analyses share a common explanatory limitation with quantitative models—they are fundamentally heuristic rather than definitive. Modus Operandi Analysis. For resources and schedule, there is even less flexibility for software development than for conventional projects where one can fix two, but not three of: objectives, resources and schedule. Them, were central in the EU – a comparative case study is project! Two case studies, including comparative case study, several forms of storing and retrieving, as well of. 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