Did Joseph Smith marry a 14-year-old girl? Free Shipping, Cash on delivery at India's favourite Online Shop - Flipkart.com Read 174 reviews from the world's largest community for readers. For readers who want to truly grasp the essence of Joseph Smith, this might be just the book for you.” (Deseret Book), “The Prophet Joseph Smith was the greatest doctrinal teacher since Jesus Christ. Amazon.in - Buy The Life of Joseph Smith (American Legends) book online at best prices in India on Amazon.in. We don’t comprehend who Joseph Smith was, or what he was. How did he accomplish so much in so little time? History of … The danger of being unaware is the danger of becoming a casualty. Church members believe that Joseph was led to a hill near Palmyra , New York, where he received an ancient record from an angel known as Moroni. Joseph Smith Books Online Store in India. Read Joseph Smith's Commentary on the Bible book reviews & author details and more at Amazon.in. twent y-first of September [1823] . A collection of hand-selected books on Joseph Smith, chosen on the basis of apparent usefulness and quality. Both old and young will be pleased as well as benefited by the perusal of its pages.”, “To read this book is to know Joseph Smith more intimately and to be inspired by the insights and stories surrounding the events of this beloved prophet’s life.” (Deseret Book), Paperback | Hardcover | Ebook | Audiobook. Did Noah’s worldwide flood affect carbon dating? From the book emanates the spirit of complete dedication from the Prophet to the divine calling which he had received. This work seeks to reconstruct the knowledge they had of our day that we might see our prophet as they saw him.’ (Inside Flap of His Name Shall Be Joseph), “Joseph Smith — Who was he? Smith published the Book of Mormon in 1830 and shortly thereafter organized a small church of his first followers. Here are examples (and no, I didn’t read the commentary written by modern historians, and when I had questions, yes, I compared to the original document images). “[The sermons] are reproduced in this book in exact fidelity to their original written sources in diaries and journals, including spelling and grammatical deviations.” (Amazon), “Here for the first time in church literature, presented with almost photographic fidelity, are the original sources of all the discourses of Joseph Smith delivered during his climactic five years in Nauvoo. Pretty good list! Discover Book Depository's huge selection of Joseph Smith books online. Pearl of Great Price book. Elder Cannon met the Prophet when George was a lad and came as a convert to Nauvoo, Illinois. We have almost finished these all and they have strengthened our love for the prophet a 100-fold! “It is my duty to teach the doctrine,” he said, and he preached, wrote, and explained in informal and formal settings what the Lord had revealed to him. It is by revelation that they could understand the future and it is by revelation we can understand the past. (Verses 1–20.) Do you feel a desire to become better acquainted with the greatest prophet ever to live excepting the Son of God? I betook myself to prayer and supplication to Almighty God. During the translation of the Book of Mormon, Joseph and Oliver Cowdery translated about 12 pages a day. Excerpt. In this enlightening eight-lecture series, Dr. Truman G. Madsen presents a fascinating history of the first prophet of the Restoration. “This intriguing volume contains many of the more interesting statements made by those who were associated with the founder of the LDS Church. [Zechariah] says all who Does Not Come up year by year with their Gifts to the feasts of the tabernicle that No Rain shall fall upon them— & that Jesus will be a Resident on the Earth a thousand [years?] Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith (book) No Man Knows My History Joseph Smith: The Making of a Prophet An Insider's View of Mormon Origins Joseph Smith: Rough Stone Rolling The Joseph Smith Papers This page was last edited on 21 November 2015, at 09:09 (UTC). A great number of these stories have not previously been published. Click here for the lowest price. This first in the literature of the church is the work of Joseph Fielding McConkie, professor of ancient scripture at Brigham Young University. All are available for purchase on Amazon.com - click book images for details. All of these discourses, recorded by some 60 different persons are interlaced with other fundamental teachings of this rich and formative period of Church History. “Scores of books have been written about the Prophet Joseph Smith, yet never before has an entire volume been devoted to the latter-day Seer as he was known to the ancient prophets. “Fascinating firsthand accounts, letters, and other original matter—all become part of this dramatic and truthful account of the early life of the Church as bound to the life and death of the Prophet Joseph Smith. Discover Book Depository's huge selection of Jr Joseph Smith books online. What can we learn from Joseph Smith’s patriarchal blessings? Amazon.in - Buy Joseph Smith's Commentary on the Bible book online at best prices in India on Amazon.in. He had many interesting stories in his life. in the book he says is a great Display of human Nature— it is very Natureal for a man when he sees his fellow man afflicted his Natureal conclusion is that he is suffering the Rath of an angry God & turn from him in haste not knowing the purposes of God E[benezer] Robinson spoke on the other Co[m]forter in the 14 & 16 of John & that to all man kind for he shall prove the world of sin & Righteou[s] & of Judgment &c Joseph said he would corect in the translation it ought to Read thus & he shall Remind the world of sin & of Righteous & of Judgmen[t] & this Comforter Reminds of the these things through the servents of the Lord— But the other Comforter spoken of By John is Jesus himself that is to come & take up his aboad with them [p. [19]]. What was he like? ► Discover your own heritage in a way you may have never imagined! He was called to set forth and put into effect the principles, doctrines, sanctifying truths, and divine powers that comprise what we know as the gospel, the plan of salvation, the plan of redemption, the great plan of happiness. In the days of our great wickedness, we have also been granted a sacred gift, which is a great treasure trove of Joseph Smith’s original teachings. From that moment forward he bore testimony to the divine call which had come to the Prophet and the truthfulness of the gospel message which he had been appointed by God, the Eternal Father, to restore to the earth. In later years he claimed to have had a vision of God in his childhood, although accounts of the year of this vision and of exactly what he saw and what was said to him vary; there are no less than four different accounts of the "First Vision", all in Smith's own hand and all telling radically different stories despite claiming to be about the same event. that we had harkened to the words of God & the Revelattions Given But all opertunity is Cut of[f] from them, 28 March 1841 meeting – Next Meeting Meeting on sunday Joseph Reads the 38th. “Personal Accounts from over 100 People Who Knew Joseph Smith! . Twelve books on Joseph Smith (recent, new and in the works) "Joseph Smith: the Man, the Mission, the Message," by Matthew B. It is far greater than if the lost 116 pages were restored, for in the grand counsel Joseph Smith was reserved to be the last and greatest prophet (“last prophet” probably meaning last dispensation head). Refresh and try again. JOSEPH SMITH is a reader in American diplomatic history in the department of history at the University of Exeter. Latter-day Answers is dedicated to providing real answers to the tough questions regarding Latter-day history and doctrine. . A “Rough... Why did Joseph Smith marry women who were already married to... All are cross-referenced to earlier sayings and discourses of Joseph Smith. PrOPheT JOSePh SmiTh The Prophet Joseph Smith’s own words about the coming forth of the Book of Mormon are: “On the evening of the . In his history, the Prophet Joseph recorded that “[i]f I were to relate a thousandth part” of the lies being circulated regarding him and his family, “it would fill up volumes.” 2 Organized topically, the stories treat a wide variety of subjects: the character of Joseph Smith, the doctrines he taught, the gifts of the Spirit he enjoyed, important events in his life, and many others. Enjoy the best Joseph Smith, Jr. #5 – Life of Joseph Smith. Joseph Smith tells of his ancestry, family members, and their early abodes—An unusual excitement about religion prevails in western New York—He determines to seek wisdom as directed by James—The Father and the Son appear, and Joseph is called to his prophetic ministry. John Whitmer Historical Association Best Documentary Book Award Out of Print December, 2015 polyandry)? 19 January 1841 meeting – Joseph said that before foundation of the Earth in the Grand-Counsel that the spirits of all men ware subject to opression & the express purpose of God in Giveing it a tabernicle was to arm it against the power of Darkness— for instance Jesus said get behind me Satan also the apostle said Resist the Devil & he will flee from you, 9 Feb 1841 — Joseph said in answer to [Hosea] stout that adam Did Not Comit sin in [e]ating the fruit, for God had Dec[r]eed that he should Eat & fall— But in complyance with the Decree he should Die— only he should Die was the saying of the Lord therefore the Lord apointed us to fall & also Redeemed us— for where sin abounded Grace did Much More abound— for Paul says Rom.— 5— 10 for if— when were Enemys we were Reconciled to God by his Son, much more, being Reconciled, we shall be saved by his Life—, Meeting around 9 February, 1841, Joseph said a person ought always take his subject along— for instance Jesus in all his Doctrines & pariables set it forth Like a tree or mustard stock Comencing at the foundation & Root thence up to the first Branch & out along it then back to the body of the tree or subject & thence to the Next Branch & so-on Now as to Adam the Lord said in the day thou shalt Eat there of thou shalt shurely Die Now the Day the Lord has Refferance too is spoken of By Petter a thousand of our years is with the Lord as one Day &c at the time the Lord said this to adam there was No mode of Counting time By man, as man Now Counts time, 16 Mar 1841 meeting – Joseph Said that they wi[c]ked will Not all be Destroyed at the Coming of Christ & also there will be wiked During the Melenum [Millennium]— for instance Isaiah says the Days of an infant shall be as the age of a tree also Zaich. He offers deep insights into the life of this great man, adding his own witness of Joseph Smith’s calling.” (Deseret Book), Hardcover | Paperback | Ebook | Audiobook, “Joseph Smith was called of God in this final dispensation to stand as a prophet, a seer, a revelator of sacred matters, a covenant spokesman among modern Israel. These insights illustrate the personality of a man who was as at home “rasslin” as he was proclaiming the word of God. His regular sermons are greater than most of what we account as scripture. “The result of years of research, His Name Shall Be Joseph, Ancient Prophecies of the Latter-day Seer combines fresh insights into ancient scriptural texts with fascinating material from apocrypha and pseudepigraphic sources. Free delivery on qualified orders. . The coming forth of the Book of Mormon, foretold by ancient prophets, began with an angelic visitation in 1823 to 17-year-old Joseph Smith. As we know of Adam, Enoch, Noah, Abraham, and Moses, so they knew of Joseph Smith. How did Joseph Smith translate the plates from which the Book... Was Joseph Smith Sr. a weak and failed father? His Name Shall Be Joseph: Ancient Prophecies of the Latter-day Seer, LDS Church statement on Christ-centered energy healing. This unique book compiles excerpts from newspapers, journals, diaries, and transcripts of sermons, offering the illumination of the Prophet’s perspective to increase our understanding of the Bible.” (Amazon). with the Saints is Not the Case but will Raign over the saints & come Down & instruct as he Did the 5 hundred Brethern (1st Cor.— 15) & those of the first Resurerection will also Raign with him over the saints— then after the Little season is expired & the Earth underGoes its Last Change & is Gloryfyed then will all the meek inherit the Earth wherein Dwelleth Righteous— he says satan cannot seduce us By his enticements unless we in our h[e]arts Consent & yeald [yield]— our organization such that we can Resist the Devil If we were Not organized so we would Not be free agents, 21 Mar 1841 Sabath Meeting— Joseph Read the 2 & 3d. provided is the contextual settings for each discourse in proper chronological sequence. Was Jesus Christ married and did He have children? Nevertheless, his words do not compare to his revelations, for they are the words of Jesus Christ himself. The transcribers are not good men, but their transcriptions are accompanied with the originals (the Bible wasn’t translated by good men either, but we still read it, even if we wouldn’t want to read their commentary one it). Also, these discourses are indexed to all the biblical and other scriptural verses discussed or alluded to and. . Did Joseph Smith describe the Book of Mormon translation process? A great resource on the Prophet’s life, from the perspective of those who saw him live it.” (Deseret Book), Compiled & Edited by Andrew F. Ehat and Lyndon W. Cook. If you are willing to simply look at the original documents, ignoring all the commentary, there is a vast treasure trove at JosephSmithPapers.org which you can download and then peruse free of the commentary. “Of this history, President Joseph F. Smith said that it “contains much interesting and valuable information, found in no other publication, relating to the life of the prophet Joseph Smith. You are missing the greatest of gems. Doctrines of Salvation |Joseph Fielding Smith Available on Bookshelf Plus Doctrines of Salvation, Volume I-3, is an authoritative work, written by the most outstanding scholar of the gospel in the Church and containing a wealth of explanations about a vast array of gospel topics, many of which cannot be found in other sources. History of Joseph Smith and The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints From the Smith-Pettit Foundation, an eight-volume revision of Joseph Smith's original History of the Church from 1838 to 1844. You get an education on comparative religion in the region in the early 1800s, common misconceptions and beliefs about Native Americans at the time, books and religious influences that Joseph Smith would have been exposed to at the time, the politics that would have influenced Joseph Smith and others (Jacksonian, Anti-Masonic, etc. Quotations by Joseph Smith, Jr., American Clergyman, Born December 23, 1805. Smith's followers declared him to be the first latter-day prophet, whose mission was to restore the original Christianity, said to have been lost after a Great Apostasy. What did he teach? . One literary element I liked in this book is the element of setting. he says the spirit or the inteligence of men are self Existant principles before the foundation this Earth— & quotes the Lords question to Job “where wast thou when I [p. [17]] Laid the foundation of the Earth” Evedencing that Job was Existing somewhere at that time he says God is Good & all his acts is for the benefit of infereir [inferior] inteligences— God saw that those inteligences had Not power to Defend themselves against those that had a tabernicle therefore the Lord Calls them together in Counsel & agrees to form them tabernicles so that he might Gender the spirit & the tabernicle togather so as to create sympathy for their fellow man— for it is a Natureal thing with those spirits that has the most power to bore down on those of Lesser power so we see the Devil is without a tabernicle & the Lord has set bands to all Spirits.— & hence came the saying Jesus thou son of David why art thou come to torment us before the time, & Jesus Comanded him to Come out of the Man & the Devil besought him that he might enter in a herd of swine Near by (for the Devil knew they were a Coveitous people & if he could Kill their Hogs that would Drive Jesus out of their coasts & he then have tabernicle enough) & Jesus permitted him to Enter into the swine, 30 Mar 1841 Meeting – Next Meeting Lecyum 1st.—st[e]ward an Equality in property & in knoledge Joseph said that an Equality would Not answer for he says if we would equel in property at present in six months we would be worse than ever for there is too many dis[h]onest men amongst us who has more injenity [ingenuity] to cheat the Rest &c [p. [18]] Just a moment while we sign you in to your Goodreads account. He also claimed to have been later visited by an angel who showe… How did Joseph Smith translate the plates from which the Book of Mormon came forth? . What would it have been like to walk with “Brother Joseph” during the early days of the Church? History of Joseph Smith, Jr., by himself, in Joseph Smith's Letter Book at Kirtland, November 27, 1832 to August 4, 1835 (Church Historian's Library, Salt Lake City, Utah). To these is added a little known tradition of the Jews about a latter-day Joseph, a descendant of Joseph of Egypt through Ephraim, who was destined to do a great work of restoration and then die a violent death. Elijah went out to speak with his face wrapped in his mantle, lest his eyes see the Lord. How did Joseph Smith interact with his friends and his enemies? Joseph Smith. Was Joseph Smith involved in witchcraft, magic and the occult? “This book contains a full collection of Joseph Smith’s Nauvoo discourses in the mature and climatic years of his life. Emma wouldn’t let Joseph into the garden because people would gather just to be around him and would trample the plants. Why did Joseph Smith marry women who were already married to other living men (i.e. “In this incomparable classic, Lucy Mack Smith, the mother of the prophet Joseph Smith, Takes a tender look back at the extraordinary life of her son. “Stories from the Life of Joseph Smith” by Richard E. Turley Junior tells about a great majority of the stories of the life of Jospeh Smith. From the heartbreaking description of young Joseph’s leg surgery, mother Smith follows the trail of miracles to which she was witness, and offers her own powerful testimony of Joseph Smith’s prophetic calling. The Book of Mormon is God’s compelling witness of the divinity of Jesus Christ, the prophetic calling of Joseph Smith, and the absolute truth of this Church. “Perfect for individual or family study, They Knew the Prophet will continue to build faith as it is read again and again. Through personal recollections you’ll discover how children saw Joseph, how those who joined the Church loved him, and how those who worked with him felt about this complex spiritual leader. We don’t really have any idea who Joseph Smith is. . These discourses not only shed light on the standard works; they also provide teachings beyond the scope of those heretofore published.” (Joseph Smith Research Institute). Buy Joseph Smith books at best prices from the list of 74 books & novels including Book of Mormon, The Prophet Joseph Smith s Views on the Powers and Policy of the Government of the United States To Which Is Appended the Correspondence Between the, Collateral Language A User s Guide to America s New War & many more at Buyhatke.com. . More than any other book, it will make you feel that you, too, know the Prophet.” (Deseret Book), “Anyone interested in Joseph Smith will be fascinated by Remembering Joseph, the most complete collection ever of stories from the Prophet’s family, friends, acquaintances — even his enemies. Written by George Q. Cannon “Life of Joseph Smith the Prophet by George Q. Cannon comes with all the vividness of eyewitness account. Did Israelite tribes travel throughout Northern Europe and leave marks on the emblems of the nations, cities and dynastic families? It’s not a single book, true, but it would replace a now out-of-date book with the highest quality history/primary sources the Church provides on the life of the Prophet. But God the Father introduced the Savior to Joseph when he was only 14. Joseph Smith is being maligned, slandered and vilified more than ever before. Did George Washington quote Captain Moroni’s “Title of Liberty”? 5. Read The Life of Joseph Smith (American Legends) book reviews & author details and more at Amazon.in. "Remembering Joseph," by Mark McConkie, Deseret Book, 529 It was more pressing to gather in his day because such a man could be found here on earth. Joseph Smith is perhaps best known for his translation of the Book of Mormon: Another Testament of Jesus Christ. Many struggle to resolve concerns dealing with Joseph Smith's polygamy, evolution, education, parenting, latter-day prophecy, historical issues and many other "Mormon stumpers". 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