Policies Academic Integrity • In order to maintain a culture of academic integrity, members of the University of Waterloo community are expected to promote honesty, trust, fairness, respect and responsibility. Centre for Extended Learning(CEL) East Campus 3 (EC3) 195 Columbia St. W. Waterloo, ON 519-888-4002 extendedlearning@uwaterloo.ca. Available: The tool is available throughout your course and open to all users that have a role permitting the use of the tool, such as instructors, students, teaching assistants, and graders. Blackboard Instructor is a powerful app designed for instructors. It is from Appendix 1 -- Tool Kit for Online Instructors, in the book, Jump-Start Your Online Classroom – Mastering Five Challenges in Five Days, by David S. Stein and Constance E. Wanstreet. Quest is the official source for Undergraduate and Graduate Schedule of Classes information. It helps educators increase efficiency, student engagement & simplify workflows. The University of Waterloo acknowledges that much of our work takes place on the traditional territory of the Neutral, Anishinaabeg and Haudenosaunee peoples. You can use the Ask the Instructor discussion for content related questions, and can stay in contact with your instructor via email and using other tools provided on LEARN. This update should be complete by April 2, 2021. 33293 Fax: 519-885-1208 5. Check with your instructor to find out how they will be using iClickers in class, which devices they will allow students to use, and which iClicker software they are using. Waterloo LEARN is a web-based learning management system that enables instructors to manage course materials, activities and assessments and to interact easily and efficiently with their students outside the physical classroom. Select or clear the check boxes of the tools you want to use in your course and which users will have access to these tools. Content in this space will no longer be updated. This is an introductory graduate course. Note well: It is currently unclear and being investigated which services support These courses use the same content as our in-class courses with the same titles and replicate the learning as closely as possible, including group exercises and real-time collaboration. Professional Development staff are working remotely. Click the Sync with Learn button at the top right corner of the screen. Visit our COVID-19 information website to learn how Warriors protect Warriors. The information below is meant to supplement the Keep Learning website. This documentation has been organized according to its location within a course, by function, and in some cases, it has been included in both locations for easier access. Course Description. We offer a wide variety of online professional development opportunities, from individual courses to comprehensive certificate programs.Our online courses offer the flexibility and convenience to study whenever and wherever you choose, making it easy to learn and … integration tool connects one LEARN course with one MapleTA course. Introduction Waterloo instructors, Teaching Assistants (TAs), and students are adapting to a new and unprecedented situation as we continue to offer the majority of Winter courses remotely. CS 105 - Introduction to Computer Programming 1 School of Computer Science University of Waterloo. CSCF continues to evaluate tools and services and will update this page as appropriate. With a team of extremely dedicated and quality lecturers, uwaterloo learn will not only be a place to share knowledge but also to help students get inspired to explore and discover many creative ideas from themselves. The Learn-Maple T.A. Our active work toward reconciliation takes place across our campuses through research, learning, teaching, and community building, and is centralized within our Indigenous Initiatives Office. Our main campus is situated on the Haldimand Tract, the land promised to the Six Nations that includes six miles on each side of the Grand River. 33293 Fax: 519-885-1208 ** Waterloo LEARN help email:learnhelp@uwaterloo.ca Training sessions can be found from the Centre for Teaching Excellence web site, under Event Listing and Registration (for Faculty and Instructors) . From the Course Admin page, click on the Tools link. David R. Cheriton School of Computer Science University of Waterloo Waterloo, Ontario Canada N2L 3G1 Phone: 519-888-4567 ext. Breakout rooms can be used to create smaller work groups, etc. For technical help related to LEARN or Waterloo supported tools email learnhelp@uwaterloo.ca. Instructor Andreas Stöckel Office: E7-6342 (office hours in E7-6323) ... and dynamics in such systems. If you have any inquiries or need assistance, please contact us at mailto:makeithappen@uwaterloo.ca during regular office hours.. More than 170 online courses are also available in many popular topics, with monthly start dates.You can select a single course or work towards one of our many certificates. The Instructional Support application in Odyssey provides examination management and TA assignment services to course and administrative staff. February 2015 News CTE Math Faculty Liaison Paul Kates Topics. If your professor has made a WebEx widget on the LEARN page, then you can use that to join online classrooms or office hours. Overview. supplies and dedicated staff resources, while facilitating the use and accessibility of the exam scanning service across campus. It is also used to distribute exams digitally to approved proctors. **The IST Knowledge Base has moved to https://uwaterloo.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/ISTKB/. Centre for Extended Learning (CEL) In compliance with government mandates, W Store and W Print will be operating online-only until further notice. I highly recommend these courses and certificate programs for any professional looking to specialize and enhance their skill sets, or like in my case, build a toolbox of their own! Introduction to Databases Certificate. CSCF — Teaching — evaluate.uwaterloo.ca. Crowdmark is an online, collaborative marking system available to instructors and students at the University of Waterloo. To better support the quarterly workflow of preparing and leading a course, the new MyUW provides an upgraded Teaching page. Instructors will be encouraged to provide time during class to complete these evaluations; however students will also be able to complete them on their own time once an evaluation has opened. Training sessions can be found from the Centre for Teaching Excellence web site, under Event Listing and Registration (for Faculty and Instructors). To check the look or layout of a LEARN course, to check which items are accessible to students, or to verify course Gradebook calculations, impersonate the course "Test" student. The system can also print examination papers personalized for each candidate and sorted conveniently for setup. Visit our COVID-19 information website to learn how Warriors protect Warriors. Click on a the button to the far right of the tool name to turn that tool on or off. This session will provide essential knowledge required for instructors, facilitators, and course designers on using Brightspace Learning Repository for storage and building courses. We want you to know that there are supports and resources to help your TAs in these changing teaching contexts. To help you and your students come up with thoughtful prompts for discussion, see Questions for a Socratic Dialogue.. For a deeper dive into using questions as discussion prompts, you can review: Best Practice Strategies for Effective Use of Questions as a Teaching Tool East Campus 3 (EC3) Reviews from University of Waterloo employees about working as a Teaching Assistant at University of Waterloo. The LEARN roster is shared with the MapleTA system. Contact CEL David R. Cheriton School of Computer Science University of Waterloo Waterloo, Ontario Canada N2L 3G1 Phone: 519-888-4567 ext. Learn about University of Waterloo culture, salaries, benefits, work-life balance, management, job security, and more. with the topic title Methods and Tools for Software Engineering are not eligible to take ECE 650. Coding strips use comics to present programming concepts in a more accessible way. learnhelp@uwaterloo.ca | 519-888-4567 x 41744 | Provide website feedback. The Most Popular Digital Education Tools For Teachers And Learners. Instructor Tools Application Log In: In order to log in, you must have an active season pass and an instructor profile. Akindi is a web-based assessment system that automates the creation and grading of multiple-choice exams. Folks: Apropos to the current situaion, the posting below gives some helpful guidelines for improving your online teaching. There are many tools available to help you teach online or facilitate some of your teaching activities. WebEx Training is designed to serve as live classroom for a larger (50+) class, it provides class feedback tools such as hand raising and yet activities are controlled by instructor’s permission. Opening times for evaluations will vary between faculties, so keep watch for email notification and in-class indication that they are open for you. Learn more! Contactless pickup is available by appointment only out of South Campus Hall. It can function both as a component of on-campus blended courses and as a platform for fully online learning. They chose comics because it is a medium well known for its ability to explain complicated concepts and processes effectively through visual AVID Pro Tools Certified Training is an official AVID certification program taught by an Expert Certified Learning Instructor who will teach you everything you need to know to prepare you for the AVID Pro Tools Certification Exams. Student can login to look up their exams and see their assigned seat (if assigned seating is used) and room information. For technical help related to LEARN or Waterloo supported tools email learnhelp@uwaterloo.ca. The site will continue to evolve as new resources are needed. Cheriton School of Computer Science PhD candidate Sangho Suh and his colleagues have found a way to use comic strips to teach coding to novice learners. "The University of Waterloo's Professional Development program facilitates an outstanding learning experience with highly developed, qualified, and credible instructors. To access the tools page, click on the Course Admin link in your course level navbar. There are many tools available to help you teach online or facilitate some of your teaching activities. COVID-19 Update. Möbius is a robust online authoring and delivery environment specifically designed for the needs of STEM classrooms. Give your instructors training tools to help enhance learning of participants. The School of Computer Science uses the campus-wide instructor evaluation tool known as evaluate. Policies Academic Integrity. Instructors can also push MapleTA marks for a whole course directly into LEARN through an action in the MapleTA gradebook called "Export by CMS". Carnegie Mellon open learning initiative is a publisher tool integrated with LEARN. COVID-19 Update. This tool allows instructors to use any scanner and sheet of paper, offering a low cost of ownership by eliminating the need for costly equipment, supplies and dedicated staff resources, while facilitating the use and accessibility of the exam scanning service across campus. Möbius Möbius is a robust online authoring and delivery environment specifically designed for the needs of STEM classrooms. Professional Development staff are working remotely. The course instructor will provide the official course requirements and expectations at the start of term. Instructional Support application in Odyssey. UET - Use of Engineering Tools - 5a Select appropriate engineering tools, considering their limitations - 5c Use engineering tools appropriately. (Note: Instructor Candidates must have successfully completed their provider course within the last 12 months to be eligible for monitoring. LEARNING OUTCOMES During this workshop, each participant will work within a training course to understand how Brightspace Learning Repository allows them to manage their resources. These four courses are 12 weeks in length each and they offer a fully online learning experience, with instructor support and peer networking. The official athletics website for the University of Waterloo Warriors Help with LEARN and CTE Teaching Resources. As learning management systems and a plethora of online screen casting and lecture capture tools make online components to courses easier to provide and create, many instructors are using online lectures, websites, online videos, or online documents to prepare students to … Comparison of Tools for Synchronous Teaching. Support Resources for Waterloo LEARN URL: http://learn.uwaterloo.ca. If you have any inquiries or need assistance, please contact us at mailto:makeithappen@uwaterloo.ca during regular office hours.. More than 170 online courses are also available in many popular topics, with monthly start dates.You can select a single course or work towards one of our many certificates. That's why we have a variety of undergraduate and graduate degrees and diplomas that are available on a part-time basis. Details Instructor Teaching Assistant Teaching Assistant; Name: Prof. Arie Gurfinkel: Jakub Kuderski: Liuyang Ren: Office: DC2536 email: first . When the redesign is complete, this help will be separated into two different pages, depending on experience. This site has been developed by the following Waterloo Support units: Centre for Teaching Excellence (CTE), Centre for Extended Learning (CEL), Instructional Technologies and Media Services (IST-ITMS), and the Waterloo Library. For detailed instructions please see the list of available documentation included below. Use these keywords to help define your search in the context of higher education instruction Waterloo, ON Online certificates from University of Waterloo Professional Development. Below we have outlined the training and resources that CTE has available to LEARN user data shared: USERID (e.g. Please supply information below to continue. Examination management includes informing candidates when they need to write examinations as well as where they should go to write. In order to maintain a culture of academic integrity, members of the University of Waterloo are expected to promote honesty, trust, fairness, respect and responsibility. 519-888-4002extendedlearning@uwaterloo.ca. At Waterloo we understand that it's often impossible to study full-time, particularly if you also have a job, a family or other commitments. Go to: uwaterloo.webex.com; Login with your uWaterloo userid watiam@uwaterloo.ca, use the same login as for LEARN, not your email. Current providers who completed their provider course prior to the last 12 months will need to retake the full course, take the refresher course, or take the 8-hour online continuing education modules as a prerequisite to monitoring.) A student who is unsure whether an action constitutes an offense, or who needs help in learning how to avoid offenses (e.g., plagiarism, cheating) or about rules for group work/collaboration should seek guidance from the course instructor, academic advisor, or the undergraduate Associate Dean. uwaterloo learn provides a comprehensive and comprehensive pathway for students to see progress after the end of each module. This page lists some of the tools that the University or CEL uses and/or supports. Microphone are muted unless enabled by the instructor. 195 Columbia St. W. An introduction to the fundamentals of computer programming through media computation. One of the most significant factors to consider when preparing to teach remotely is if, when and how you will integrate synchronous sessions into your course. Please supply information below to continue. David R. Cheriton School of Computer Science University of Waterloo Waterloo, Ontario Canada N2L 3G1 Phone: 519-888-4567 ext. 33293 Fax: 519-885-1208 At the University of Waterloo all remote courses are conducted in LEARN — our Learning … A wireless, handheld device students use to respond to in-class multi-choice questions; collected responses... Crowdmark. The Certificate is comprised of 4 courses, designed and developed to be taken in order for natural progressive learning. This includes individually assigned seats. The site will continue to evolve as new resources are … CTE Events February and March 2015; UW Teaching and Learning Conference April 30 2015 jsmith), Role (e.g. MyUW closely integrates with other teaching and learning tools and the registrar’s systems, to make use of these tools more efficient. [See the academic integrity9 This site has been developed by the following Waterloo Support units: Centre for Teaching Excellence (CTE), Centre for Extended Learning (CEL), Instructional Technologies and Media Services (IST-ITMS), and the Waterloo Library. The offerings indicated on this site are unofficial and subject to change daily. Access your live classrooms through Learn- Using Webex Widget. ; Visible to Guests: The tool is visible (read-only), but not usable to guests when guests are permitted in your course. The Undergraduate Calendar and the Graduate Calendar are the official source for information about course details. David R. Cheriton School of Computer Science University of Waterloo Waterloo, Ontario Canada N2L 3G1 Phone: 519-888-4567 ext. It includes a rich suite of tools and features for authors looking to design and develop digital assets for their students or peers, and a delivery environment that enables and promotes deep and active learning for users through the combination of instructional material with hands-on activities. 33293 Fax: 519-885-1208 Note well: UW strongly recommends using asynchronous content delivery and no time slots will be scheduled for Spring 2020 classes. From the tools page you will see a list of tools available in most courses. student, instructor), username (e.g. This dropdown menu allows you to switch between the LEARN-connected context of Crowdmark and the “standalone” version of Crowdmark. This page lists some of the tools that the University or CEL uses and/or supports. Currently, our student and instructor help for Learn Original and Learn Ultra appear on the same page. Our main campus is situated on the Haldimand Tract, the land promised to the Six Nations that includes six miles on each side of the Grand River. last AT uwaterloo.ca Hundreds of digital education tools have been created with the purpose of giving autonomy to the student, improving the administration of academic processes, encouraging collaboration, and … Instructors and TA’s that have been added to your course in LEARN will appear here in a modal for you to review.| Tools listed with a blue checkmark have been enabled in your course, those with a grey x are not turned on in your course. Alternatives for when LEARN is inaccessible, Adding a Feedback Rubric to your workspace, Adding a PebblePad resource directly to LEARN, Assessing student work as an external assessor, Confirming your Pebble+ work has been submitted for assessment, Create a feedback template (rubric) for grading, Embed PowerPoint presentation from GoogleDrive, Event Listing and Registration (for Faculty and Instructors), Course content (includes copying another course), Five Things You Can Do to Make Your Students Appreciate Your LEARN Site. Note: Don't post personal or sensitive information in the "Ask the Instructor" discussion. MyUW for Faculty & Instructors. You’ll want to spend some time coming up with great discussion prompts, and coaching students to do the same. Join Patrick Crispen for an in-depth discussion in this video, Managing tools, part of Blackboard 9.x Essential Training: Instructors. To invite additional instructors, TA’s and/or markers to your course, click on Team tab in the left side menu. Teaching, Learning, and Research; Security; Communication, Collaboration, and Web; Desktop and Portable Computing; Infrastructure; Professional Services Students will learn to write interactive graphical programs. Campus 3 ( EC3 ) 195 Columbia St. W. Waterloo, Ontario Canada N2L Phone! With government mandates, W Store and W print will be operating online-only until further notice context Crowdmark... The device you use and the “ standalone ” version of Crowdmark and the ’! Teaching activities open for you of preparing and leading a course, the new MyUW provides an upgraded page... 519-885-1208 instructor Andreas Stöckel Office: E7-6342 ( Office hours in E7-6323 )... and in! Information about course details and/or supports February 2015 News CTE Math Faculty Liaison Paul Kates Topics registration processes on! 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