(i) The person he wants to marry (ii) The person he actually marries 3. He spent the night at the house of one of his friends. Vaikom Muhammad Basheer V. Abdulla Image Reference: youtube.com Image Reference: penguin.co.in. Detailed explanation of the lesson along with meanings of difficult words . The doctor imagines that the snake must be imagining different styles like he was thinking few minutes back when he was looking at his face in the mirror. The doctor laughed, “I’ve never seen it since. A. Here are free MCQs of Class 9 English Beehive book Chapter 5 The Snake and the Mirror as per the new exam pattern introduced by the CBSE. He heard the sound thrice. During this discussion, a singular question which the homeopath asks makes the others fall silent. Related questions +1 vote. 7. 2. He was afraid of the snake. I was after all a bachelor, and a doctor too on top of it! Since it was too hot to sleep, and he had nothing better to do, he sat down in front of the mirror, admiring himself, planning to improve his appearance as he was an eligible bachelor. He had taken a small room on rent. The Snake and the Mirror Extra Questions and Answers English Beehive Chapter 5 The Snake and the Mirror Extra Questions and Answers Very Short Type. 3. But not really, the thief had left behind one thing as a final insult!’. It is not possible that any snake had never looked at itself in the mirror before. The rascal could have taken it and used it after washing it with soap and water.”, rascal: a mischievous or cheeky person, especially a child or a man, a naughty person. The Snake And The Mirror by Vaikom Muhammad Basheer. The question came from the homeopath. He appreciated himself and said that he had an attractive smile. He did not know if the snake had chased him or not because he did not look behind him. It was an attractive smile. Someone else asked, “Doctor, when you ran did the snake follow you?”. Thus the title is justified as the story revolves around the snake and the mirror. 5. I took a look. What two “important” and “earth-shaking” decisions did the doctor take while he was looking into the mirror? There is a horror of encounter with a snake and the comic was in the way it was narrated as … Suddenly there came a dull thud as if a rubber tube had fallen to the ground ... surely nothing to worry about. The story is a narrative within the narrative. But then he thought of turning around to see what had fallen. Then, the disciple, abiding within his own cavern (his interior universe), will convert himself into a Dragon of Wisdom. 3. He looked into it. Wait until I tell his story — it will make your hair stand on end. As the snake had crawled out of doctor’s lap, he stood up. “I looked into the mirror and smiled,” says the doctor. I was unmarried and I was a doctor.I felt I had to make my presence felt. Next morning when he returned, all his belongings had been robbed but for his dirty vest which was too dirty even for the thief. In the light of the lamp I sat there like a stone image in the flesh. Say which of them tell you, that the author: (a) was afraid of the snake (b) was proud of his appearance (c) had a sense of humour (d) was no longer afraid of the snake. No Sooner had I turned than a fat snake wriggled over the back of the chair and landed on my shoulder.The snake’s landing on me and my turnings were simultaneous. The places in the text which indicate this are as follows –. Further the doctor thought that he would marry a fat girl. Little to carry means his belonging were stolen and there was nothing much left to carry away. 6. I Made an important decision — I would shave daily and grow a thin moustache to look more handsome. I was turned to stone. I was after all a bachelor, and a doctor too on top of it! One feels tempted to look into a mirror when it is near one. Paralysed with fear, the boy faced his abductors. The moment he accepted his true worth, the snake crawled off and sat on the table in front of the mirror.The doctor got up silently and rushed out of the door. THE SNAKE AND THE MIRROR WRITER VAIKOM MUHAMMAD BASHEER “Has a snake ever coiled itself round any part of your body? He came back to his room and sat on a chair. The snake moved in such a way that it wrapped itself on the doctor’s left arm like a coil. 4. Question 1. Who is the writer of the story? He thought that may be the snake was thinking of growing a mustache or may be of wearing eye shadow and mascara to look more pretty or maybe it was thinking of wearing a red – coloured bindi on its forehead. And one wall of the room faced the garden. The Snake and the Mirror/ 61 2. Practicing these The Snake and the Mirror Class 9 English MCQs Questions with Answers really effective to improve your basics and learn all the key concepts. 2. He lighted the kerosene lamp, took off his coat and shirt and opened the two windows. He removed his coat, his shirt and his vest. The sound that the doctor heard was that of rats which moved on the beam overhead. (frightened by something that happens suddenly), 5. He was feeling very weak and as he did not have any way to come out of this situation, he smiled at his foolishness. When and why did the sounds stop? (very frightened), 4. I got up, paced up and down the room. (ii) when he smiled for the second time, he was helpless and thought that he was a foolish person. He got up from his chair and started walking up and down in the room and then he decided on one more thing. There was not much stuff to take. I sat there holding _______________________. Tick the correct meaning of the words underlined below. He combed his hair, trying to set them properly. (frightened by something that happens suddenly), 3. The hood was spread out and its head was hardly three or four inches from my face! The doctor said, “My vest, the dirty one. He replied that he ran and ran till he reached a friend’s house. I took off my black coat, white shirt and not-so white vest and hung them up. He says that the vest was not so white which means that it was dirty. Latest Entrance Exams, Admission info, Class 9 English MCQ Tests as per latest pattern (Beehive) - Take Chapter Wise Tests ABSOLUTELY FREE - Click here. He was thinking what he should do next. I do not claim that it was the first snake that ever looked into the mirror. The doctor captures the interest of his listeners A group comprising, among others, the author and a homeopath are discussing snakes. The US President repeated the … The snake might have seen its reflection and wanted to have a look at closer quarters. He settled on the chair and took out a medical book to read. He could not do anything to save himself. Then it moved towards the mirror. Thus the title is justified as the story revolves around the snake and the mirror. He nearly jumped out of his skin when he saw the bull coming towards him. Very slowly, he got up from the chair. Match the meanings with the words/expressions in italics,and write the appropriate meaning next to the sentence. Was it trying to make an important decision about growing a moustache or using eye shadow and mascara or wearing a vermilion spot on its forehead. 4. How many times did he hear it? Pran asked me if I had finished reading the newspaper. I looked into the mirror and smiled. From there it crept on the table. You really gave me a fright when you crept up behind me like that. Report these questions using If/whether or why/when/where/how/which/what. “I heard a noise from above as I opened the door”. A woman says she went into "panic mode" after discovering a snake slithering out of a vent in her kitchen wall as she went to dish up dinner. When the doctor looked at himself in the mirror, he decided to improve his looks in order to appear more handsome. What sexwas this snake, was it male or female? In those days I was a great admirer of beauty and I believed in making myself look handsome. Outside the room, inside the room, it was all very dark. The boy hid behind the door, not moving a muscle. There were many rats in his room, so he was used to the noise. He was looking at himself in the mirror, feeling that he was so silly to have landed into trouble as he could not think of any way out. He replied that he left the vest which was dirty and was hanging on the wall. The writer tells us the story which was told to him by a homeopathic doctor. He ran out of the house in no moments. The door opened intodarkness.In the light of the lamp I sat there like a stone image in the flesh. Vaikom Muhammad Basheer was a Malayalam fiction writer from the state of Kerala in India. “Has a snake ever coiled itself round any part of your body? As he was in trouble, he started feeling the presence of God. I was after all a bachelor, and a doctor! I forgot my danger and smiled feebly at myself. We listened attentively as the doctor continued with his tale. It was a hot summer night, almost 10 o'clock, he was returning home after having his dinner at the restaurant. k.setAttribute("data-push", "1"); The doctor was motionless. } God has a lot of ways of controlling Our lines. 6. It had a tiled roof with long supporting gables that rested on the beam over the wall. Paralysed with fear, the boy faced his abductors. If you have any query regarding NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English Beehive Chapter 5 The Snake and the Mirror, drop a comment below and we will get back to you at the earliest. MCQ Questions for Class 9 English Beehive Chapter 5 The Snake and the Mirror with Answers. It had two windows and a tiled roof. The Arm was beginning to be drained of all strength. Answer: As the snake was absorbed in looking at the mirror, the doctor and holding his breath, rose from the chair and quietly slipped out of the room. Ans. This was the doctor’s opportunity. bachelor: a man who is not and has never been married. But my mind was very active. And he says that he will never come to know this because just then, it crawled from his arm and moved down into his lap. The house was not away from the electricity board. I will never know; for the snake unwound itself from my armand slowly slithered into my lap. A summary on The snake and the Mirror 2 See answers Brainly User Brainly User Hey!! He was feeling as if a thick molten rod made of lead was crushing his arm and breaking it. It was a hot summer night; about ten o’clock. He says that he was a great admirer of beauty. The roof had tiles on it and the gable was supported by the beams. The snake and the mirror 1. As he had just started his medical practice, he was earning very less. 50. There he took an oil massage, took bath and wore fresh clothes. I. I didn’t cry out.There was no time to do any such thing. He also had a black -coloured coat which he was wearing at the time of the incident. 4. But yes, this snake was looking at itself in the mirror and the doctor was surprised because the snake was looking at itself in the mirror very carefully. Was it trying to make an important decision about growing a moustache or using eye shadow and mascara or wearing a vermilion spot on its forehead. The house was not electrified. Somebody Asked, “Doctor, is your wife very fat?”. Someone had stolen most of the things from his room but left behind one thing. We listened attentively as the doctor continued with his tale. He felt helpless. I tried in my imagination to write in bright letters outside my little heart the words, ‘O God’. It seemed that the wind god had taken time off means that as the wind was not blowing,the wind god had taken a day off, he was on a holiday and so, wind was not blowing at all. He thought that if the snake bit him, then what would he do, which medicine he would take and then he recalled that there was no medicine in his room.He felt that he was a poor, foolish and stupid doctor. I felt then the great presence of the creator of this world and this universe. I was turned to stone. It was an outer room with one wall facing the open yard. Answer: The snake left the doctor and sat in front of the mirror. Q2. Answer: (a) was afraid of the snake 1. (function (w, d) { for (var i = 0, j = d.getElementsByTagName("ins"), k = j[i]; i < j.length; k = j[++i]){ You really gave me a fright when you crept up behind me like that. The doctor felt that God appreciated the doctor’s realization of his mistake. Was it admiring its own beauty ? He replied that his wife was thin and tall just like a reed plant because god didn’t want his wife to be fat, so she was thin and could run very fast. I would marry.I would get married to a woman doctor who had plenty of money and a good medical practice. “God willed otherwise. The Snake and the Mirror Thinking about Language. A. This homeopathic doctor encountered a snake, the snake fell on the doctor. Something favourable happened and the doctor’s life was saved. Answer The doctor took two “important” and “earth-shaking” while he was looking into the mirror First, he decided to shave daily and grow a thin moustache. Wait until I tell his story — it will make your hair stand on end. Your IP: As he was sitting in front of the mirror, he looked at his image in the mirror. I was suddenly a man of flesh and blood. By the time he turned around to have a look, a snake had wriggled over the back of the chair and landed on his shoulders. He thought that the thing which he left behind was to insult him. He nearly jumped out of his skin when he saw the bull coming towards him. 2. A little later he says,“I forgot my danger and smiled feebly at myself.” What is the doctor’s opinion about himself when: In what waydo his thoughts change in between, and why? Little to carry means his belonging were stolen and there was nothing much left to carry away. Answer : The story ‘The Snake and the Mirror’ is a mixed double of horror and comic. The snake looks into the mirror, moves towards the mirror and wants to enjoy a close reflection in the mirror. The doctor says that he was not only holding his breath but had turned into a stone, just like a statue. 8. The doctor replied, “I ran and ran till I reached a friend’s house. Performance & security by Cloudflare, Please complete the security check to access. Can you find the expressions in the story that tell you that the author wasfrightened? Question 1. It … God had punished him for being too proud and arrogant. The story is a narrative within the narrative. He set his bed near the wall and he laid down to sleep but could not sleep. })(window, document); CBSE Class IX Lesson 5 - The Snake and the Mirror, I had just set up medical practice and my earnings were meagre.I had about sixty rupees in my suitcase.Along with some shirts and, He says that he was a great admirer of beauty. His earnings were, therefore, meagre. • Another thing that he decided was that he would always keep smiling, because he looked better when he smiled. There was a regular traffic of rats to and from the beam. Vocabulary 4. It was as if athick leaden rod — no, a rod made of molten fire — was slowly but powerfully crushing my arm. I took out my box of matches and lighted the kerosene lamp on the table.The house was not electrified; it was a small rented room. He asked the little boy why he was studying English. The topic came up when we were discussing snake. He did not panic, jump or tremble. He thought that may be the snake was thinking of growing a mustache or may be of wearing eye shadow and mascara to look more pretty or maybe it was thinking of wearing a red – coloured bindi on its forehead. all I was worth: all the strength that I had. Question 2. Who is the narrator of the story? The doctor thought that the snake was admiring its beauty. He kept it on the same table on which a lamp,a mirror and a small comb was lying. The fiery snake will make his mirror resplendent. 2. All the people who were listening to the doctor’s story got relief and took a deep breath after they came to know that he was saved. The room which he had taken on rent was on the outside of the house. It would not be correct to say merely that I sat there holding my breath. I opened it at the table on which stood the lamp and a large mirror; a small comb lay beside the mirror. He is happy and contented when he looks into the mirror. One hot summer night, the doctor took his meals at the restaurant and returned home. Glossary 3. There was only single light, the light of the lamp and in that light, he was sitting like a statue. The rascal could have taken it and used it after washing it with soap and water. Then he opened the windows. But it was certain » that the snake was looking into the mirror. The Snake and the Mirror are well explained through Introduction of The Snake and the Mirror, Message, Theme, Title, The Snake and the Mirror Characters, Summary in English of The Snake and the Mirror, Summary in Hindi, The Snake and the Mirror Word meanings, Complete lesson in Hindi, Extracts of The Snake and the Mirror, Long answers of The Snake and the Mirror, Short answers, The Snake … 2. As he was unmarried, and he was a doctor too, he was a eligible bachelor. I heard a noise from above as I opened the door. It was the noise of rats. He decided to marry a woman doctor, one who had lots of money and a good medical practice. If you are on a personal connection, like at home, you can run an anti-virus scan on your device to make sure it is not infected with malware. But it was certain that the snake was looking into the mirror. As the doctor was opening the door of his room, he heard a noise from above, but he did not react because he was used to such noises. She asked me when we were going to leave. The snake, then, unwound itself from the doctor’s arm. . As we see from the title, the snake and the mirror are the two most important things in the story. I tried in my imagination to write in bright letters outside my little heart the words, ‘O God’. The tiles were supported by gables which rested on the beam and there was no electricity. Q. The sound stopped suddenly as rats had seen a snake. What did he think it was? There was a large mirror on the table on which stood a lamp. Advertisement: Cloudflare Ray ID: 614852dd3ab029ba I did not know anything for certain. 6. a. (too scared to move). And he opened the box under the table and took out a book named ‘Materia Medica’. 51. There was darkness all around him. It Was a snake which was taken with its own beauty. You may need to download version 2.0 now from the Chrome Web Store. Please enable Cookies and reload the page. Thinking all these things, the doctor again sat down on the chair.Now, the sound had stopped but all of a sudden, something fell down making the sound of a ‘thud’. He was so engrossed in his day dreaming that he did not give much importance to the sudden silence. Immediately I smeared oil all over myself and took a bath. When the snake saw its reflection in the mirror, it was more interested in that and the doctor’s life was saved. The magic of herbs allows us to unleash the waters and to make the entire universe tremble. Your No1 source for The Snake and the Mirror By Vaikom Muhammad Basheer (Translated from the Malayalam by V. Abdulla) About the Author. 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